GHD straighteners

18 Oct 2002
How long is the guarentee on these? I may have just stepped on and snapped my girlfriends pair :(

How much for a ticket to, well, anywhere but here?
Guaranteed against clumpy size elevens? Hmmmm. Not sure about that one.

I recommend Venezuala this time of year.
..i await your girlfriend problems thread with similar anticipation as every other GD discussion.

Teehee, i'm so dead :( I thought they had a 12 month breakage thing on them because they're used in salons?

Gah, it was her fault for leaving them there :(
fus said:
About £100 after looking at the website. Murney, keep talking please, I was sure it was 12 months too, well, HOPING it was 12 months.

If you have a look in the box there should be a manual in there. Have a gander through that.
Bad luck. My gf's dropped her new £70 Parlux hairdryer at work and smashed it. Had to buy a new one

You dont get a warranty against accidental damadge :p .

They are used in salon's yes but as are many other brands, they are just the most popular. Thats like saying woops i put my fist through my shiny new plasma screen but it doesnt matter as they are used in pubs so i will get a new one from the manufacturer.

Claim it through the house iunsurance but you can get them new for 79 and your excess may be about £100 anyway
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