Ghetto Cooling

10 Mar 2006
Has anybody tried putting their PC in the freezer?

Rather than all this expensive cooling malarkey, why not move your freezer into your PC room, chuck your base unit in it, get a wireless keyboard/mouse combo, and a long HDMI cable for your screen through a sealed hole and bobs your uncle: negative 18c ambient temp PC case.

I know it sounds ridiculous, but if you sealed it, to stop warm air getting in there and condensing on your nice PC bits, surely this would work? Small half size freezers can’t be that expensive to buy/run. Sounds like a perfectly valid ghetto cooling solution. ;)
No, this has been asked many times before, all that would happen is your freezer would burn out, probably within a day. Theyre not meant for cooling active heat sources
There have been people using fridge cooling for their PC, but using it to chill the water in a loop. Forget where I saw a pic, but it did look good. Had beer and cheese in there too.
A fridge freezers compressor isnt deisgned to be on 24/7.
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