Ghostbusters 3 confirmed!!

It'll be pap. :(

Why can't they just leave things alone?

Even if they did a film, the guy who plays Egon is in his 60s now and the rest of the them are in their mid 50s. It would be too weird. So now Stallone has done a new Rocky film, and will be doing a new Rambo film, there's a new Die Hard and Indiana Jones film coming out soon. What next?

I'm sick to death of CGI.
theDave said:
one thing i dont get is WHY bill dosnt want to do live action anymore?

I imagine it's because he now looks pretty old... and maybe feels that this would detract from the livewire his character was in the first two. Just a hunch. :)
i was kind of thinking that their age could have made for a better story, theyre still ghostbusters but its gettin harder in their old age...(and continue from there)
There would be nothing "weird" about using actors over 50. If anything it would work even better; a slick script aided by funny physical slapstick.
lol at your sig!

Talent has fallen quite a bit now; they are simply bringing old movies back and ruining their legend status or making cartoons into movies. For every 50 odd films that get made I find 1 or 2 good lol
Protoman said:
i was kind of thinking that their age could have made for a better story, theyre still ghostbusters but its gettin harder in their old age...(and continue from there)
wow, how original. just like every other of those "we've done one too many films in this franchise" scenarios then

B@Th*nG said:
wow, how original. just like every other of those "we've done one too many films in this franchise" scenarios then


Yes, except with the God Damn Ghostbusters!

Good on bill tbh. The parts he plays now are some of his best ever (LIT, Broken flowers etc), there's no reason for him to bring his credibility into question. I say bring on the CGI, and at least let's see how it turns out :). I'll be paying, no doubt.
LIT, Broken Flowers, Life Aquatic, possibly three of the worst films EVER made.

Even Cruel Jaws, the 1995 Italian total rip off of Jaws series was BETTER than the above.

He should stick to roles like Groundhog Day, What About Bob etc!
Gilly said:
LIT is truly, truly shocking.
Not sure about shocking, but after hearing all the buzz around it I gave it a go and came away from it think 'Hmmm so that the hell was all that about and did anything actually happen in the film?'.

Big Brother for the big screen :p
SeanyK said:
LIT, Broken Flowers, Life Aquatic, possibly three of the worst films EVER made.

What? :confused: LIT is great (although admittedly nothing happens), and Life Aquatic is hilarious! Such a random film.. the gunfights were so funny!

Each to their own of course. :)

On topic though, i personally think it wouldnt work with the actors.. surely theyre too old now. CGI is an easy bet, and i'm sure they'll rake in money from the name alone.

Ghostbusters is sill one of the benchmark dvd's imo. Ghostbusters 2 wasn't great, but had it's moments.

However, Ghostbuster 3 isn't a good idea. Although, to be fair, it can't be worse than any of Bill's recent films.

Broken Flowers was the most recent one I've seen - should have watched Ghostbusters again instead. At least that is funny.

I've never even heard of Broken Flowers, and everyone (and I mean everyone) in the office hates Life Aquatic.
I cant remember how many times i went to the cinema to watch the original Ghostbusters, on the big screen very loud was fantastic.
(Young age, dark cinema, the lady walking through the library and books floating behind her :eek: )
If it was on the cinema today, i would still go.
Flibster said:
Ghostbusters is sill one of the benchmark dvd's imo. Ghostbusters 2 wasn't great, but had it's moments.

I LOVED ghostbusters 2, its one of my favourite films, i dont get why lots of people seem to think its rubbish. and that bit in the rail system with the echoes has me in stitches everytime
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