Ghosting a workstation.

5 Jul 2003
Atlanta, USA
Can anyone tell me how to do this?:
We have some ghost images on our network that we access with a boot disk to install XP and a standard set of apps on the workstations that need it. Once Ghost has finished doing and it restarts, windows asks for a domain/workstation name.
Can anyone tell me how exactely i would go about doing that? I plan on creating some new builds for our system over the summer, and the ability to do the above is pretty much essential to me.

ruffneck said:
are you using RIS?

I know you said GHOST but everyone uses that term, its like Hoover to Vacuum Cleaners :D
Yes its actually Ghost.
We use a boot disk to boot to DOS, type 'ghost', norton ghost pops up, we select the image to use, let it do its thing, it restarts when done, asks for a domain and workstation name, and then restarts again, at which point its fully usable for people to log into and access their stuff, with our standard applications like Office, Flowol, ect; installed and working fine.
BoomAM said:
Yes its actually Ghost.
We use a boot disk to boot to DOS, type 'ghost', norton ghost pops up, we select the image to use, let it do its thing, it restarts when done, asks for a domain and workstation name, and then restarts again, at which point its fully usable for people to log into and access their stuff, with our standard applications like Office, Flowol, ect; installed and working fine.

In that case then, I imagine the person that created the images in the first place sysprep'd them first, then ghosted.

these may also come in handy

a video to talk you through it

to make the image work an any machine within reason

Barts-PE, could load ghost onto that with the network card drivers, allowing you to ghost as good as machine with a network card, you may find floppy disks better for multicasting


I've made similar where I work, I can get PC's on the domain within 20-25 mins with a single standard image
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Some good reading there everyone. Thanks for the links.
I'll give all them a read on monday in work.
The sysprep one seems like the likely route though.

BartPE, despite being constantly recommended, isnt actually much use to me, the supposid ghost plugin is as readily available from what ive seen as its name.
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