Ghosts TJ07 Murdermod

The lemonade is acidic so it cleans the grease and other rubbish off it. They were horrible before with fingerprints and patches of tim everywhere.

Thanks for that tip, I'll remember this when I have to clean my blocks next time, my EK GTX280 block was quite badly tarnished when I got it off the MM, and I used ketchup to clean it up, but it didn't really do that good of a job tbh, there are still some marks here and there..

Nearly there DavyBoy, 2x90degree dual rotary, extender and a male to male connector. Ordered most of them from abroad as there are very few suppliers for bitspower in the UK. I'm glad it did work as plumbing that with tubing would have been hard.

After the conversion rate which is good from America around £270.

£270 for all the Bitspower fittings and Murdermod parts, or just the Murdermod parts?
Thanks for the comments everyone

Da[]San;15496150 said:
Awesome mod, i bet you had a lot of fun doing it and part of you wishes you could do it all again.

Yeah I had great fun, well I don't think I would call sleeving that psu fun but Jack Daniels and loud music helped :D

MDPC worthy IMO.
But man its gotta be god to be able to blurt 4k on a PC build.
Fair play to you for doing so mate :D

Thank you :D The murderBox by Charles (032) was one of my biggest inspirations for this build.
Well it wasn't all in one go, most of the hardware was just from my previous build. It was only the stuff to do with the case I really bought this time.

Thanks for that tip, I'll remember this when I have to clean my blocks next time, my EK GTX280 block was quite badly tarnished when I got it off the MM, and I used ketchup to clean it up, but it didn't really do that good of a job tbh, there are still some marks here and there..

£270 for all the Bitspower fittings and Murdermod parts, or just the Murdermod parts?

Yeah just left them in that tube over night and they came out nice and clean, I could actually see it working on the copper.
Just for the murderMod parts, don't want to even think about the cost of the bispower fittings.
That in my very humble opinion is the nicest build i've seen to date.
Fair play to you for your patience and talent putting that together.
Cheers game4it :)

What do you think of the monitor?

The monitor is brilliant, I spent a long time looking at all the different 30" around. This was the only one that really fitted my needs, most of them have a scaler built in for all the different inputs which causes lag and ghosting even when using the native resolution.
The quality of this screen with the colour makes the dell 22" look rubbish.
The murderBox by Charles (032) was one of my biggest inspirations for this build.

That build by Charles is stunning, I currently have a pic of that rig as my desktop wallpaper!!! (yes, I'm that sad!! :P )

don't want to even think about the cost of the bispower fittings.

They don't come cheap, luckily I have got most of the Bitspower fittings in my rig already, however I will be needing to order somemore for when I get my new rads and mobo blocks...
That build by Charles is stunning, I currently have a pic of that rig as my desktop wallpaper!!! (yes, I'm that sad!! :P )

They don't come cheap, luckily I have got most of the Bitspower fittings in my rig already, however I will be needing to order somemore for when I get my new rads and mobo blocks...

You aren't the only one :D Downloaded those sets of wallpapers by metric a few months ago and its still my wallpaper.
No defiantly not and its finding a decent suppliers too. Though you get what you pay for the inner diameter on most of their fittings is really wide. I found a old 45 rotary and it literally had a 3mm center!
Love it! :o

Can you tell me about that Sata power extension cable you made? Where do you get the plugs from? I can't find them anywhere. :(
Looks like a great package you've made there, anyone who seems to mod a TJ07 seems to do a brilliant job on them, keep up the good work :D
Love it! :o

Can you tell me about that Sata power extension cable you made? Where do you get the plugs from? I can't find them anywhere. :(

If you do a search for something along the lines of "ACRyan 70cm - 1 Molex to 4 SATA Chain" then you'll find something that may intrest you :) Thats what Ive got and just need to braid it now. Can remove the connectors and move them along to wherever you need them on the cable :)
That's an astonishing build mate - looks fantastic!! Those MM parts do really make that case into something special don't they!!

Was looking at your motherboard wondering what that giant 'heatsink' was... took a few seconds to click that it was a colossal stack of Dominators lol
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