Gift for a friend

15 Nov 2005
Not sure if this should be in here or in General Hardware so if i'm wrong, please move it :)

Need to buy a birthday gift for a friend and i'm looking to get some computer stuff for around 25-30 pounds. If something's really worth it, I could ask another friend to chip and we could go up to around 50 together.

I was thinking of the saitek eclipse keyboard which I have cause he likes it as well and its around 25 pounds. I earlier thought i'd get him the G15 instead but the price of that has gone up to 70 pounds :s
Other possibility was either the copperhead, which is nice and all, but thats what he and another guy got me for my bday last year :p or the logitech G7

Any other suggetsions guys? in that price range.
Thanks :)
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