Well I admire your sacrifice, kind sir!!
Ok, one slight quirk is that the gigabyte instructions said I need to install the ecfw update before I install the next bios update and this appears like a Windows update (ie needs to be run in Windows) and my windows is on the m2 drive.
Can I change a setting in the bios to get the m2 drive working again?
Ah right, Qflash ahead then! Fingers crossy
Ah right ok, don't recall that setting, but may appear once I've updated - given bios version was from some time ago, it may not have been there.
Give yourself a beer tonight - really helpful, would have taken me hours to get there. If your other half asks why, just don't tell them you've been helping me learn to flash properly.....
Can I ask how you did the firmware update tool ?Yes, imagine you're quite the expert flasher now...!
Ok, am up to F52e now, so almost done and then I can try and fiddle with these drive settings to get the m2 working again...
Yes, imagine you're quite the expert flasher now...!
Ok, am up to F52e now, so almost done and then I can try and fiddle with these drive settings to get the m2 working again...
Just used Qflash? Sorry if I'm not getting your question??Can I ask how you did the firmware update tool ?
Put the drive in first, then see if you end up with the same issue.
Good point, definitely getting further but stuck in a reboot loop, wonder if boot drive order is duff...?