Gigabyte Bios Flash

You have read post#17 about making a usb bootable drive and putting the flash_bios on that and typing in a certain command at the prompt?
Yes I did read post 17, but I am not going to jump through any more hoops after 4 hours of messing about with this, and I had already tried the EFI flash suggestion from the Gigabyte forum and it said it was not compatible with W7 64bit, and that was downloaded from the Gigabyte site.
Hence I am sending it back to Gigabyte UK and let them flash the board.
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The EFI flash utility file wont work in windows, you need to flash in DOS mode, the old way, it looks like Gigabyte have changed the size of the bios, maybe added some features etc and with the new size @BIOS and Q-Flash is ignoring the file thinking you downloaded the wrong file, its a safety feature, flashing in DOS will ignore all of this and force the flash.
Yup, just had a look, they changed the size of your bioses for you board, the original size was 3.15mb and the newer size is 3.41mb, the only way your going to be able to flash the new bios is through dos mode, that means booting to DOS not using the windows based dos console (cmd) it should also update the Q-Flash etc on the board, future flashes should be fine for updating through @BIOS and Q-Flash, your just going to have to do this first one in dos, follow the instructions in post 17 to do this.
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Yes I did read post 17, but I am not going to jump through any more hoops after 4 hours of messing about with this, and I had already tried the EFI flash suggestion from the Gigabyte forum and it said it was not compatible with W7 64bit, and that was downloaded from the Gigabyte site.
Hence I am sending it back to Gigabyte UK and let them flash the board.

You don't use windows. You use DOS.

That would be where you're going wrong.
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