Shocky-FM said:go gigacrap go !!
stoofa said:OK - F3 final BIOS.
I'm running my E6600 now @ 3.2Ghz (356Mhz FSB)
I'm running with 4GB RAM (4x 1GB Geil PC6400)
Memory settings as follows:
Frequency: 356Mhz
FSB : DRAM: 1:1
Machine so far (been on and under load/being used for nearly an hour now) is 100% stable.
I was always told that a 1:1 memory ratio is what to aim for with regards Intel setup's.
Is there not a great deal to be gained from going 4:5?
I did try and ramp the memory a little higher using 4:5 and it didn't seem as happy.
stoofa said:working fine with the Geil RAM I received yesterday
pieman109 said:My DS3 comes tomoz, E6300 arrives on thursday, and I've got 2 x 1gig Geil 6400 memory already. I would appreciate a small ( or large ) list of mobo settings to get me 3ghz, y'know the options to disable/enable in the bios first so I can then start clocking with miniimal probs. Thanks.
Pleased to say that the new BIOS that Gigabyte sent me has sorted out my overclocking problems.
Sydk said:Please do share!
I could do with trying this bios, as my boards giving me so much grief.
Could you email me it please. Email in sig.