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Gigabyte GPUs are cracking :(

I was disappointed that Jay pulled that video. Just because his team comes to a different conclusion from other people doesn't make them wrong.
Coming to a different conclusion wasn't the issue. The video was just relentless positivity about the card and failed to even address any misgivings people might have about it. It's fine to make an argument as to why other people are wrong about something, but that's not what they did. They simply completely ignored any criticism of its pricing, specs or performance. "The new 1060" was one of the things they said, claiming it's a futureproof card that people will be able to hang onto for years. Yet there was no attempt to justify that statement or explain why everybody else was wrong about only 8GB VRAM being a problem. It was just a shoddy video all-round.
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And if that's their view then that's fine. We may disagree with that view but they have the right to their view.
No, sorry. If you have an opinion on something then you should be willing and able to justify it. Clearly nobody there could do that or they'd have defended the video instead of taking it down. As a media outlet that's essentially offering people purchasing advice, you don't get to just say "WOW THING GREAT BUY BUY BUY" without giving proper reasoning. Not if you want to keep any credibility whatsoever at least. Which is why the video was taken down. I feel you're just being contrarian for the sake of it when even the owner of the channel admitted it was a terrible video and not up to their standards (and it's not like Jay's standards are all that high to begin with). The world is already plagued by idiots with strong opinions on things who can't and won't defend them when challenged, and just hide behind "well that's my opinion, tough" even when they're factually wrong. I can do without that from tech media too.
And if that's their view then that's fine. We may disagree with that view but they have the right to their view.
No one said they're not allowed to hold that view, what people 'disagreed' with is that they personally had a different view and they gave their reasons for holding that different view. Jay's video seemed to use invalid or otherwise faulty reasoning to reach their conclusion and in retrospect Jay himself seemed to agree and that's why he took it down.

Having a different view is fine but it's not when people point out why your view maybe invalid for various reasons and you continue to hold that view irregardless of how overwhelming and valid those reasons are. If i held the view that the Earth is flat and continued to hold that view despite being given all the reasons it's not my continuation of that view is not longer fine, it's unreasonable.
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If you have an opinion on something then you should be willing and able to justify it.

I agree. Did you watch the video? I did and while I don't remember particular details I do remember them discussing the pricing.

Clearly nobody there could do that or they'd have defended the video instead of taking it down.

Or they caved to the hostility? The same hostility you are demonstrating here.
I watched part of it before heading out to lunch: apparently Gigabyte have apparently known of this problem for at least a year.
It seems that is the case from what he was saying. I haven't bought Gigabyte in or around 20 years and that was a Motherboard for Intel build 2002/2003. No major reason. I switched to Asus. I have a watchful eye on Asus, too, due to recent bs they got up to.

Actaully, I had to replace the Gigabyte Motherboard for that intel rig back in 2007, but I really can't remember the reason.
And if that's their view then that's fine. We may disagree with that view but they have the right to their view.
Its not a view though its nvidia cheerleading with added pom poms for effect. We all know he's basically a sponsored influencer at this point but at least have some integrity or failing that show that you at least possess a critical thinking faculty even if you don't use it very often.
he would say that hes a massive gigabyte shill...
Looking at the PCB layout for my Gigabyte 6800 XT it doesn't appear to have the obvious weak points that the Gigabyte Nvidia cards have and I'm a bit relieved not to see any of their AMD cards in the videos but I've just bought a support bracket for it to be on the safe side as it seems possible that Gigabyte's graphics PCBs are not as structurally sound as other manufacturers.
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