Girlfriend hit by OAP - Opinions?

[TW]Fox said:
More fool you then for not taking it any further and just swallowing the insurance companies bull. If it wasnt your fault it shouldnt have cost you anything.

But it would have cost me initially to take the guy to court and at the time I didnt have the money to do that even though I may have won. I had to way up if the court settled it as 50/50 then I would be out of pocket by a lot for the court costs. I don't see how that was insurance company bull if they won't take the case up for you (i was TPFT so no legal cover) that is it unless you cover the costs.
It's his fault, Simply because he didn't follow the old persons reversing proceedure of getting the wife to stand behind the car so he runs her over before hitting another car :p
[TW]Fox said:
More fool you then for not taking it any further and just swallowing the insurance companies bull. If it wasnt your fault it shouldnt have cost you anything.

hes actually right. Depending on when the accident was, the carpark may not have been included in the RT laws.

i had a similar incident with another coffin dodger in a grave yard of all places. Wed parked our car up to go tend to my partners grandmother's grave. The lanes inbetween the plots are very narrow, and can only fit one car down. But there are lots of them so you drive up one, then drive back down another

anyway this guy decides to pick a fight with us and insists on driving down the path we're parked on. As soon as he got within about 10 feet of the car he was blasting his horn for us to move. Had he sat and waited i probably would have moved the car and rolled my eyes. But he started getting abusive telling me to "come on". All this while at a graveside as well. Anway, with him being abusive, and the fact there were about 4 other exit paths he could have taken i told him i wasnt budging and he could back up and go the other way. he refused then started edging forward, then the bumpers touched, then he brought the clucth to biting and started rocking the car. At this point i left and got another witness. She was telling him he was a nutter and to back off and leave us in peace, me and my partner were, but he wasnt having it. After we got her to write a witness statement and take details that he had scratched the car, he backed down, reveresed and used one of the other exits. I went to the police about it. And its not apparently clear cut. Its not just a blanket "any place the public have access too" as the desk seargent explained to me there had been a recent revision in the RT laws that included car parks in the laws, but other areas, such as the public graveyard we were in, werent included.
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Unbelievable! Or rather it would be if it hadn't happened to me ages ago. In my case I wasn't alongside when they backed out of the diagonal space but rather a way back waiting for them to push off so I could leave. Unfortunately the old codger reversed enough to then move forward and off but instead just kept on coming until he bumped me.

I just lost it and got out and shouted at him "do you actually look in your ******* mirrors when reversing you old ****!!!" He looked rather sheepish but luckily there was no damage so I let him slope off.
Vertigo1 said:
I just lost it and got out and shouted at him "do you actually look in your ******* mirrors when reversing you old ****!!!" He looked rather sheepish but luckily there was no damage so I let him slope off.

I know it's quite horrible to shout at a little old man, but sometimes it's the only way they'll learn. I know if someone yelled at me for something I'd done, I'd never do it again.
agw_01 said:
I know it's quite horrible to shout at a little old man, but sometimes it's the only way they'll learn. I know if someone yelled at me for something I'd done, I'd never do it again.

*Takes note*:p
L0rdMike said:

Hope it works. :D

Only messing. :)

Now why would he want to do a silly thing like never get another rover, there ACE:D:p

/ suddenly walks of wondering what has happened to me :eek:
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