GIVEAWAY - What game do you want for free?

Merry Christmas Santa 5UB, please can you gift me Dead Island or Battlefield 3!

Unfortunately I can't take a picture of myself as I'm at work, so instead here's a quizzical looking ostrich:


(also it's my birthday =P)
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Merry Christmas Santa 5UB, please can you gift me Anno 2070!

Can you deliver the code in a dress plz? kthxbai!
326 replies so far... Eeek that is a lot.

I shall see what I can dig out as regards to more games and prizes. :)
I realize I was being a bit too "cheap" asking for Terraria...

Merry Christmas Santa 5UB, please can you gift me Anno 2070
Merry Christmas Santa 5UB, please can you gift me Batman: Arkham City?

Close enough :D

Merry Christmas Everybody!
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