Safron, I dare you to go to work in a white cotton shirt with that left on your back
Its not me in the picture but I will let him know
Its not me in the picture but I will let him know
Well my plan to convince the OH to get this for me has failed miserably,
Apparently we need food and to pay bills more than i need this game PAA! what does she know?! ......
local swimming pool was closed, so the bath will have to do and i realize i'm wearing nothing in relation to swimwear... but again, i had to make do
Apologies for the lack of bubbles too
But at least im not exposing myself too much
Okay, my missus just got home so I'd like to revise my entry please.
Trust sent thanks 5UB
Congrats to Deathcube too well done pal, there is a drastic difference between the sexiness of your entry and mine i feel
its night and day my friend - night and day
Careful now deathcube... you wouldn't want to wake up with a horses head on your pillow