Glasgow Airport-under attack

a man setting himself on fire then driving a 4x4 at an airport building

seems like a suicide bomberesque thing to me

just waiting on it going bang :)
oh oh no airport hires for me tonite it seems then

Bloody asian airport attackers costing me money :(
Serj said:
Probably a lot of people wanting to leave though, get up there and start profiteering!

woot OFFSKY :)

peeing with rain and bloody cold

me and the octy estate are for hire from the air port Quadruple fair to get you home PDQ
deffo deliberate tho,

anyone who knows glasgow airport knows that he would have to drive through a controlled police patrolled area to hit the terminal.

ictures show that the driver has drove into the terminal area

Send them all back
their just lucky that they police arrived so quickly

I can just see it now

Angry scots kill terrorists over delayed holidays
next thing you know it will be a bunch of keyboard wielding burka wearing jihaders wading through central london maiming and killing all
afraser2k said:
Glasgow has a relatively large Asian population so should be "interesting" to see the reaction to this in the next few days.

given the glasgow mindset

pollock burnt to the ground :)
Azagoth said:
Only in Glasgow though would the first instinct be, not to run, but get in there and punch the buggers! :p

thank god it was at the airport not coatbridge :)

you would have had terrorists sliced and diced with the "green bottle"
lolzer sky news wifey

Glasgow Airport is the biggest Airport in Glasgow :)

its the only oine :)
dafloppyone said:
im curious though why the police never gunned the car down before it got there

with what?

only really see the odd bobby and traffic wardens out the front of the terminal
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