Global Warming - Eliminating all U.S. gasoline powered vehicles would reduce...

15 Nov 2003
"Eliminating all U.S. gasoline powered vehicles would reduce worldwide carbon dioxide emissions by 0.18%."

Is this statement true?

If so, then surely at least as regards cars and the like (which we're getting taxed on now to stop using) it's a lot of fuss about nothing isn't it?
Some great posts by mr jack and lowrider on the GW subject...

Global Warming as far as we see in the news,etc. is a myth... mostly for political ends... but like many things theres a kernel of truth beneath it... if we do leave our CO2 and so on emissions unchecked then eventually we are going to have to face some issues due to it.

I guess my issue is taxes are being raised in effect to try and force us out of our cars. If the figure I quoted in the OP is correct the outcome of this will be sooooo small you have to wonder how justified is it?

Yes, we all want a cleaner planet with electric cars charged via solar or fusion, but my question still stands.
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