Glossy Shooters with good Single Player Campaign

6 Jan 2013
I've recently tore myself away from RPGs and enjoyed some good looking FPS (I don't play online). Any suggestions on some I've missed out on?

I've enjoyed:

Bioshock Infinite
Wolfenstein (new and old orders)
Metro Last Light
Crysis 2 and 3

I'm sure I've missed out on heaps?

Got to look good, got to play good, got to be single player campaign.
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What about the likes of Far Cry 4, or GTAV in first person, or are you after a more linear experience? Also the STALKER games, old but excellent. Dying light also, but that is more melee orientated.
It's not first person and I found it really boring, for some reason.

I have that, will need to dust it down and get a bash at it.

Ah yeah, good point! If you liked the Bf4 campaign you could pick up BF3 for peanuts now. Dare I say you could also try the Cod games too
Arma 3 none MP,
The Darkness 2,
Deus Ex: Human Rev,
Dying Light,
Spec Ops: The Line.
Far cry series (think 1 still looks good - never played 2)
Spec-ops the line
Max Payne series - 1 is a bit dated nowbut a decent story.
Call of Juarez series - probably exclding the modern day one which Iv'e not playe but not read anything good about.
System shock 2 - dated graphics but for me the best game ever.
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