Gluttony for breakfast treat (pics)

Mango Chutney? I love the stuff lol, its a must with a Curry :p

i'll let you in on a secret, in all my time i have spent in india (over a year) and going to indian relatives and friends houses and the hundreds of special occasions where food was served, i cant remember one time i saw mango chutney.

its a fake indian dish, designed for the british public, same as korma, chasni, tikka masala, etc, etc.
I knew that about tikka masala, But didnt know it to be true of mango chutney or Korma! Learn something new every day :D

95% of the food served in restaurants, take aways and asda which is called indian, would never be served inside an indian's home.

my family owns a restaurant btw. next time you go to your local for a meal, ask to speak to the manager and get him to serve you the "staff curry", that's what a real indian food is, make sure you find out where they are from though, only punjabi's know how to make a proper curry.
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