God of War

They are still not going to answer peoples wishes for BloodBorne? :D

I hope it will be a good port, HZD was bad.
:cry: Every bloody week we get a new rumour about Bloodborne, but I think it's just wishful thinking sadly. I mean, they haven't even given it a 60FPS boost on PS5.

I wonder if there's any chance of Spidey coming over... I know Sony are very protective of the IP, but it would definitely sell well, and we sure know Disney love money! It would open the door for Miles and Wolverine too.
As a mainly PC gamer, this is great news, havent played any of the god of war games before, i hope the release is somewhat stable with minor bugs
Sods law, got a PS5 last week, this is the game I wanted in 60fps. Love it so much, one of the best games of all time by far!

Hopefully it supports at least 144hz and proper ultra wide (none cropped)! Or better yet... Aligns with when the new LG C1 42" OLED's come out!
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