godlessguild recruting

11 Apr 2007
the godlessguild.co.uk is now recruting active members.
we have 97 members and 7 alliances.
the godless exists 26 months.
we have it all, full gh, forum, ts.
although we have a lot members, max. is 100, we also have a lot inactive members.
so if u want to join us for pve or pvp and u'r real acitive player, let me know and i invite u to our guild.

u can reach me in guildwars on my charname; jasmin fire

have fun all.

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I will probably be going back to guild wars in about a month, when I plan to buy all parts or a multipack.

If the vacancies are still there then, I would be very interested in joining the guild, a good community is such a vital part of games like that :).
funny that i was thinking about getting back into guild wars, i was part of the godless guild when it first started, so if possible i would like to join up again when ive bought all the expansions.
Rebel=UK= said:
funny that i was thinking about getting back into guild wars, i was part of the godless guild when it first started, so if possible i would like to join up again when ive bought all the expansions.

oke:) give me a sign in gw, put jasmin fire into ** friendslist and just pm me when u rdy:)
Orion21 said:
I will probably be going back to guild wars in about a month, when I plan to buy all parts or a multipack.

If the vacancies are still there then, I would be very interested in joining the guild, a good community is such a vital part of games like that :).

sama answere for u as 2 rebel; put jasmin fire into ** friendslist and pm me when u';r rdy
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Are you mainly pve or pvp focused? or an even split?
I played GW intensely for 3 or 4 months but when all the loot scaling and solo farming changes came in I just couldn't keep with it, I had a very small guild so Pve was not as regular as I would have liked. Having said that I have been getting withdrawal symptoms( :p ) and I have a lot of the Pve content left to do including most of the prophecies campaign and of course hard mode. Plus GWEN when it arrives. ;)

Also do you have many Perma pre searing players? I have a character there going for ldoa. sorry for rambling a bit, I think I'm missing GW more than I realized lol.
RuMp3l4$k1n said:
Are you mainly pve or pvp focused? or an even split?
I played GW intensely for 3 or 4 months but when all the loot scaling and solo farming changes came in I just couldn't keep with it, I had a very small guild so Pve was not as regular as I would have liked. Having said that I have been getting withdrawal symptoms( :p ) and I have a lot of the Pve content left to do including most of the prophecies campaign and of course hard mode. Plus GWEN when it arrives. ;)

Also do you have many Perma pre searing players? I have a character there going for ldoa. sorry for rambling a bit, I think I'm missing GW more than I realized lol.

just give me ** charname and i make invite
we are mostly pve but a handfull likes gvg.
we also do ab an help eachter with missions and stuff
we are a friendly relaxed guild, everyone can do what he/she likes
Hello there.

I am seriously bored with LOTRO and considering going back to GW, especially with the release of EOTN in the not too distant future.

I have around 8 characters, but only actively use 4 of them. Have finished all the campaigns. The quild I am currently part of is unlikely to still be in existence, but cannot be certain as haven't played it for the best part of 4 months.

Will there be a vacancy for little old me to join you guys?
Twinblade said:
Hello there.

I am seriously bored with LOTRO and considering going back to GW, especially with the release of EOTN in the not too distant future.

I have around 8 characters, but only actively use 4 of them. Have finished all the campaigns. The quild I am currently part of is unlikely to still be in existence, but cannot be certain as haven't played it for the best part of 4 months.

Will there be a vacancy for little old me to join you guys?

and ** charname i have to invite u with it twinblade? if not pm me in gw; jasmin fire
jasmin said:
and ** charname i have to invite u with it twinblade? if not pm me in gw; jasmin fire

I haven't forgotten about you guys, just work decided to send me on a little jaunt up the country for a couple of days so not been able to get near my PC to contact you yet.

Dont go giving my spot away please :D
Twinblade said:
I haven't forgotten about you guys, just work decided to send me on a little jaunt up the country for a couple of days so not been able to get near my PC to contact you yet.

Dont go giving my spot away please :D

i wont:) but like i sayd; i need ** charname to make an invite for u:) coz twinblade as charname doent exist

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