Godzilla Minus One (Gojira Mainasu Wan) is an upcoming Japanese kaiju film directed and written by Takashi Yamazaki. Co-produced by Toho Studios and Robot Communications; it is the 37th film in the Godzilla franchise, the 33rd Godzilla film produced by Toho, and the fifth film in the franchise's Reiwa era. The film is scheduled to be released theatrically in Japan on November 3, 2023, in celebration of the franchise's 70th anniversary in 2024
After Japan's surrender in World War II, the country is driven to a zero state -- however, the appearance of a giant monster during postwar Japan drops the country to a negative (minus) state.
After Japan's surrender in World War II, the country is driven to a zero state -- however, the appearance of a giant monster during postwar Japan drops the country to a negative (minus) state.
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