Going into hospital today for my last operation

21 Oct 2002
Parts Unknown
getting my colosomy bag removed for good, and will be 'all internal' again :)

operation is tomorrow morning, ill try and login on my mobile to say hi after it :p

fullstory here http://bleddyn.co.uk/

should be a 45 minute operation (the last two were about 5hours each)

be back soon i hope!
I haven't had this done personally, but somebody in the family has.

They have one bag on their side - from what I can gather, it's like that for life.

So I have to ask, how did you go about getting your 'plumbing' returned to normal again?
Im sure you will get through all of this ok, I know what it's like to some extent I had a tube hanging out of my lower abdomen for peritoneal dialysis for nearly 18 months before I had a kidney transplant...

I will be thinking of you during the next fews days. Chin up but hot the beer chin aye :D

bledd. said:
getting my colosomy bag removed for good, and will be 'all internal' again :)

operation is tomorrow morning, ill try and login on my mobile to say hi after it :p

fullstory here http://bleddyn.co.uk/

should be a 45 minute operation (the last two were about 5hours each)

be back soon i hope!
I stumbled accross your full story a few days ago and I have to say that you are one strong person and I for one admire the strength you have throgh the operations and condition itself...

Thus I wish you good luck, all the best and keep strong. fingers crossed everything turns out ok. :)
Good luck for tomorrow, hope everything goes fine. Not something I'd say on a forum but at the same time very interesting to read about your experience with the problems you've had..
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