going to start watching 24

We did exactly the same at the begining of February. We never watched 24 when it originally aired.

Its a good watch but, by god the writing is so lazy. Characters doing things that are designed to keep the plot going even if it didn't make any sense. As someone said, Elisha just seemed to move from one bad situation to another.

That sounds exactly like how Homeland ended up.

Thing is, since 24 was first released the all round quality of TV drama has hugely upped. Where it once may have been on top of the game, now it's lacking
Be prepared to hear these phrases... A LOT!


“Trust me. You do not want to go down this road with me.”

"Chloe, can you hack it?"

"I've got eyes on you Jack"

"Open a Socket"

It doesnt work in a streaming format, its 24 episodes for a start per season, I was trying to watch the Sopranos and its very boring after season 3 for me, same formula in each Season. There where made to have the week by week break and seasons breaks.
It doesnt work in a streaming format, its 24 episodes for a start per season, I was trying to watch the Sopranos and its very boring after season 3 for me, same formula in each Season. There where made to have the week by week break and seasons breaks.
We have started 24 again too. Since Disney Star started we made our own TV schedule for the evenings.

1 episode of each

prison break
Buffy and X-files slotted in when we fancy it.

It saves binge watching a full season and makes it much easier to watch it all again. We may skip one show and add another episode of another in one evening if the first episode ends on a good cliff hanger, such as the last episode of season 1 of Lost for example.
The main thing I learnt after the first few episodes of 24 was to not get too attached to any character who, by virtue of their knowledge of the situation, possession of evidence, witness to events etc, etc, *might* allow Jack to quickly solve the mystery by the end of that episode. By and large expect anyone who knows anything to last about 45 minutes into a typical 47 minute long episode, particularly if their survival relies on Jack ensuring they are safely transported from point A to point B, where point A is a position of relative jeopardy, and point B is a position of guaranteed security, despite the circumstances surrounding the transportation or protection of the witness appearing on the surface to be pretty run of the mill for a trained intelligence agent.
lost now thats a blast from the past

Problem for me with these shows - Lost, 24, etc. amazing premise, a few really good episodes but ultimately they never top the premise and large amounts of it really is quite boring without the benefit of not knowing where it was going and hoping it was building to something.
Just don't do what my mum did. I bought her the box set for Christmas or something when it first came out and she started watching at 1pm because she thought it was the first episode :p :(
She's almost 40 years old now, time flies ! When she filmed 24 she was just 18 :)

That is a bit of a mind **** - I'm only just over a year older than her yet remember she seemed like just a kid, and a lot younger than me, when I watched the show on release :s
is it worth it ?
i know i am late to the party but ?

Blast from the past - they are still a good watch if you remember that the first season was filmed 2 decades ago.

I will say that its good to binge a season and then take a break before starting another... the "mistakes" that some of the characters make to eek out the plot will grate on you if you plow through season after season while if you have some time in between it seems more forgivable.

Still a good watch though if you haven't seen them .... and if you plow through them, I gaurantee you will stop and just think WTF during "the Cougar bit" :rolleyes::cry:
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