Goldring RS150 - £70 a good price?

yeh thats it, I did see that shop, I can get these from a local shop near where I work monday for £70 so will probably do that, its only £7 :p
Nice to see someone else buy these phones at last and not listen to the sheep that buy sennheiser hd555's instead.
For me I can source them locally for cheaper. The Goldring DR150 really does get good reviews.

but the 555's are available for £57 delivered? im not bashing the dr150's at all, but c64 seems to take offense when people don't go with his suggestions simply because they are different. being different isnt really enough, im just wondering why he'd choose them over the 555's. i dont think calling people sheep is really needed either.
why would you choose them over the senns then?
British owned company, very good reviews, more vibrant highs, they just excel at different parts of the sound spectrum too the senns, in all there just different.

Few opinions here :

but the 555's are available for £57 delivered? im not bashing the dr150's at all, but c64 seems to take offense when people don't go with his suggestions simply because they are different. being different isnt really enough, im just wondering why he'd choose them over the 555's. i dont think calling people sheep is really needed either.
Guess he just gets annoyed that nobody else even looks into it.
well this is what i mean. they are both different but by all account just as good. it comes down to taste seeing as the prices are near the same. they are both good enough for me to recommend either, but i wouldnt go calling people sheep, thats just silly.
Can I ask what headphones you have owned then ? or have you just owned sennheiser hd555's?
People own one headphone the sennheiser hd555 and then go around recommending them when it's the only decent can they've ever owned hardly in a position to comment really.
I am just recommending the goldrings as an alternate from my point of view of having owned grados and sennheisers and not buying senn hd555 and claiming they are the best in this price range having never owned or even heard anything else like most seem to do on here.
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Can I ask what headphones you have owned then ? or have you just owned sennheiser hd555's?

i own a pair of senn hd650's. i have also heard a pair of 555's :)

People own one headphone the sennheiser hd555 and then go around recommending them when it's the only decent can they've ever owned hardly in a position to comment really.

I am just recommending the goldrings as an alternate from my point of view of having owned grados and sennheisers and not buying senn hd555 and claiming they are the best in this price range having never owned or even heard anything else like most seem to do on here.

so youve not heard the 555's then? hang on a minute......

c64 said:
there's simply no other headphone in that price bracket anywhere near as good as goldring dr150.
c64 said:
For £60 go for goldring dr150 they match sennheiser hd 600/650's unamped and those cost £130-£180

your the ONLY person i know who's said they sound as good as a pair of 650's. and since you've not heard a pair of 650s or indeed even a pair of 555's (the pair you owned were HD201's werent they?), id say you are hardly in a position to comment either.
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my first thought was whats going to drive the phones as ive heard the goldring are a lot better with an amp , havnt owned them though although im looking at cans in the £100 range at the moment
mainly ad700s senn 595s ultrasone 550 beyer dt770
the goldrings would give you better results without an amp because of the lower impedance (well not really better, just louder). the from what ive read, the senn's respond better to amplification. i cant really offer any more advice than that though:p
hhhmmmm just went to my local high quality home cinema shop, goit a cup of tea :D and a Cd to listen to. Had a listen to AKG, Grado, Ergo 2. I prefer the style of the AKG 701's as they go completely over my ear, which is more comfy as I wear glasses.

Now Can I justify spending £275 on headphones, yes I think I can as the AKG 701's were bloody amazing.

They were also fed using a headphone amp, I didnt try them without one but did try two different headphone amps, I could totally tell a difference between the two headphone amps. So think im sold on a headphone amp as well :D

My £70 headphone budget is now at £400 ish lolz. At least I wont have to upgrade for the next 15 years.

Anyone know much about headphone amps? are Vincent ones good?
O_o Crikey! :D

If you shop around (including overseas), you can pick up 701's for about £170 shipped. Might get stung on duty though, but should still save about £50 on the cans alone even with import duty and VAt.

I'd love a pair of 701s. I've yet to listen to any, but they look amazing enough to justify their price tag to me! I'll stick to my 30 quid Grado clone and HD580s for now I think!
O_o Crikey! :D

If you shop around (including overseas), you can pick up 701's for about £170 shipped. Might get stung on duty though, but should still save about £50 on the cans alone even with import duty and VAt.

I'd love a pair of 701s. I've yet to listen to any, but they look amazing enough to justify their price tag to me! I'll stick to my 30 quid Grado clone and HD580s for now I think!

were they from Im looking on there now for £182 + 10 euro delivery.

Seems good to me + VAT is paid and am i right in thinking as its in euroland my vat will have been paid?
were they from Im looking on there now for £182 + 10 euro delivery.

Seems good to me + VAT is paid and am i right in thinking as its in euroland my vat will have been paid?

I was looking on eBay, the prices I found were from the US. The deal you've found is better as the price you pay on that site will be the final cost, i.e. no import fees/VAT will need to be added. They might work out a little cheaper from the US, but only if you don't get stung. I'd go for those from to be on the safe side. At least you know you won't need to pay more.
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