Goldring RS150 - £70 a good price?

read this carefully. *
because you would have said so.
I have even sold a pair of grado on the mm I don't need to go find a pic of someone holding a pair of headphones on the net to prove what I haven't or have owned.
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i know you owned the grado's, i never disputed that. and thanks for the sly dig again, but ive no problem in spending 3 minutes to prove im telling the truth. you could try growing up but clearly that isnt going to happen.
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christ, you're showing yourself up now :rolleyes:


somebody wanted to know what the 650's sound like like driven off a d2 soundcard. they arent bad, but the card clearly doesnt have enough drive. driven flat with no eq, separation is good, detail is there but the top end is a quite harsh when pushed and it could do with grip and just...more.... on the bottom end. if you are worried about them being loud enough, i measured a maximum level of about 83dba with an spl meter @ roughly the distance the inner ear would be from the left speaker. is that loud enough for you? i dont know, i would certainly think so, but you have no room for altering the eq at those levels driven by the sound card, it just cant deliver the voltage.

using something approaching a headphone amp, its easy to drive past 90db with no eq and there is more of everything and that harshness is gone. i would think 90db is really loud enough for a pair of cans! so do they need an amp? yes, they dont sound like an exception pair of cans without one.
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It's impossible for them to be as good because of the impedance 600's and 650's need a lot of power to drive them.
A £20 jvc ? now you really are showing yourself up what exactly is a £20 jvc ? and no they don't sound better keep kidding yourself that it was money well spent welcome to my ignore list.
I already mentioned im using an old jvc stereo amplifier to drive my 650's. i also already mentioned it actually sounds better than my onkyo tx-sr805. i also mentioned ill be building a headphone amp so i dont think anybody can, for one second, assume i think the JVC is anything better than it is. but its still better than a pair of dr150's.

still, i guess c64 wont read this post. thats a real shame!

and no they don't sound better keep kidding yourself that it was money well spent welcome to my ignore list.

Thanks! <3
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Dno if Ill get a good answer here, but Ill get a response ;)

If I was after some decent headphones (was considering PC350 but thought Id get a cheap headset just for gaming and then a nice pair of headphones for everything else) to connect just to my PC (Auzentech Prelude) without getting an amp (dont understand when you should get one of these except they are expensive :p) what ones should I consider?

I think Ill listen to music and movies equally and need a longish cord...

I was just gonna get some HD595s - bad idea?

And james.miller - I saw no bread so dont believe you :p;)

ps3ud0 :cool:
Ive had the 555's and the 595's connected to my Prelude and both were great,if you are on a budget then go for the 555's if not then the 595's.
And james.miller - I saw no bread so dont believe you :p;)

lol:p i have, erm....actually what do i have? pita bread? or a rice krispies Squares bar? (mmm tasty)

If I was after some decent headphones (was considering PC350 but thought Id get a cheap headset just for gaming and then a nice pair of headphones for everything else) to connect just to my PC (Auzentech Prelude) without getting an amp (dont understand when you should get one of these except they are expensive ) what ones should I consider?

I think Ill listen to music and movies equally and need a longish cord...

You know what, id actually say get a decent pair of headphones and spend the rest of the budget on a usb mic. that way you can use the decent headphones for gaming as well and believe me, you'd prefer them lol.
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Ive had the 555's and the 595's connected to my Prelude and both were great,if you are on a budget then go for the 555's if not then the 595's.
Budget isnt an issue - just dont want to spend more then realise I need to buy an amp to get the best out of it and have to spend more - Im no audiophile I just want something decent that I can appreciate. £90 for some HD595s is perfect...

You know what, id actually say get a decent pair of headphones and spend the budget on a usb mic. that way you can use the decent headphones for gaming as well and believe me, you'd prefer them lol.
Ive already bought those Creative Fatality headset (cant blame me - they were £17 brand new ;)) so thought Id splash out for something that works for everything else - might consider a USB mic - anyone link me to one that hook onto the headphones?

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Denon D2000s are the best low impedance headphones I've ever heard. They're on par with my HD650s; they don't sound worse just different. I prefer the sound signature of the HD650s though which is why I sold the Denon's.

I got mine for £130 imported from Japan a year ago, not sure how much they are now. They're miles better than HD555 and HD595.
I'd strongly reccomend buying one off a member at head-fi or building your own; it's much cheaper and unless you have really, really top end gear you arn't goting to see a huge difference.
Look for CMOY headphone amps on an auction site. They're very cheap and also very good.

Or you could make your own, much more fun.:)
To be honest I wouldn't bother with portable amps any more. I've had 3: a PA2v2 (£30), Meier-Audio Porta Corda MkIII (£60) and a Mini^3 (£60) custom built amp. The Mini^3 was clearly the best and actually made my headphone sound better, the other two didn't really do anything other than drive my headphones to a louder volume. Great if that's all you want it to do though. The CMoy is actually a lower spec than the PA2v2 from what I've read.
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