Golf W12 "Real" Test drive

I'm sure that it's hugely fast, but it doesn't look so judging by the video. Looks as fast as a standard GTI/R32.
Alex UK said:
I'm sure that it's hugely fast, but it doesn't look so judging by the video. Looks as fast as a standard GTI/R32.

that total noob who is driving it looks like he should take the bus to work.
Wayn0r said:
lol, it cost VW £330,000 to make where did you get that figure from?

Well the veyron costs £5 million to produce yet is sells for £750k, so not totally unlikely but not sure about the 70k there.

Looks nice. I wouldnt expect them to be making it, if they did i would have thought they would place a v10 gallardo engine, to lower the price.
It was a one off concept. I watched a video where they interviewed the designer. It was for a certain show and its just for PR perposes from what I can remember.

It's got an auto box anyway, and its not even DSG.
HI there

Am I the only to think thats a lot of tyre squeal for what looks like relatively low corner speeds on the video? Obviously its hard to judge the corner speed from the video but it looks slow yet the tyres of screaching unless its the road surface.

One thing it certainly sounds good and when he boots it in a straight line it seems to shift very quickly. :)
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