Good, cheap HD for a HTPC?

20 Jun 2005
Basically what i need to know is what cheap Hd's are on the market (IDE) which are 200GB+ and are relatively quiet and don't screw up in a few months. I don't mean silent silent but bearable as i don't really mind the noise.

Its going to be for a HTPC im making from old spare parts.

Saying all this, i know nothing comes cheap :(

Any recommendations?

Thanks and bye :cool:
Samsung drives have an excellent reputation. I've only had one 2.5yr old drive fail due to a severe power surge. Even that only corrupted the mbr - I was able to recover all data and the drive still worked after a reformat(Which is more than i can say for othe drives that have failed on me) I RMAd the drive and got a brand new replacement promptly. There was a poll on the forum somewhere showing HD failures. Samsung were pretty low on the list.
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