Is Windows XP or Windows 7 best to put on?
Where are the screws?
nvm found them
Can you set up raid from within windows? I don't have a usb keyboard.
I've installed the catalyst pack from AMD's site.
Drivers for everything, north bridge filter, sm bus etc.Is this necessary for server duties?
I'm now starting to wonder if my poor network performance in Windows could be linked to drivers. I noticed that Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 and WHS2011 all install drivers that are ancient for both the NIC and the CPU (NIC driver dated 2009 and CPU driver dated 2006)
Does the catalyst pack contain updated drivers for the chipset or CPU or is it purely focused at the GPU?
I have installed the NC107i 1GB Driver from HP, but this hasn't made a difference either.
I just got my server up and running, I got all 6 disks connected using the default bios.
I have a slim DVD drive connected to esata > sata
250GB connected to internal SATA
4 disks in the bays
All i needed was a molex Y splitter, slimline adapter, 2x molex to sata and a esata to sata and it all worked fine out of the box.
Yes, there is no way to fit cards with full-height brackets.Brackets for cards need to be half height to fit right?
I'll be trying out six hard drives (including one via an eSATA to SATA cable) tomorrow once I've flashed the latest of my Samsung F4EGs and performed the Russian BIOS flash. As I understand it the Russian flash is required to enable AHCI on the internal SATA and external eSATA connectors, otherwise they run in IDE mode (fine for an optical drive, not so much for a hard drive).Any chance you can try a hdd with that esata to sata cable please?