Good drummer!

21 Oct 2002
Wellington, NZ
Just been browsing through Youtube and stumbled upon this fella.


As i've never played the drums I've no idea if this stuff is techinical or simple or what, but he's good!
The first one was very good. I've been fortunate enough to play with someone much better than that though! At a point it just gets silly, and it's hard to appreciate how good someone is if you don't play that instrument yourself, which I don't.
Extremely easy pop songs. Not even worth a second glance. The Arctic Monkeys drummer couldnt even play until they formed, by the way.
He's not that great, but has potential. I never have the patience to sit down and work out precisely what to play for whatever song, I just like to play my own interpretation unless there's something very distinctive that makes the song.
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The arctic monkey drummer matt helders is amazing i think theres about 4 songs theyv'e done where its an easy beat. I saw him at leeds and he was just immense, every time he hit the snare he flipped his stick on one song and he used to be a rubbish drummer.

Theres many people who have a natural talent for it and can be amazing if they work on it, shame he probably had to resort to drumming after having no friends because he is ginger :/
Theres many people who have a natural talent for it and can be amazing if they work on it, shame he probably had to resort to drumming after having no friends because he is ginger :/

lol that's harsh.

Can Scam or reflux post a vid of a good drummer then? I want to make some comparisons:p
HAHAHAHAHAHAH GIN HEAD! Don't the people who are so pationate about playing instruments make you laugh?

Gin Heads and the Artic Monkeys. Thats like the worst two things ever.
Meh... he is okay - but like others have said, they are relatively easy songs... was expecting a little more :p
To me a great drummer is one that hits the groove.

Not much going on but a bass, a snare, a hihat and a ride or two.. solo at 06:00..

For you non-players, Toto Rosanna broken down. Have a try tapping your feet and hands in time (note you have to get those ghost notes in..)

Ghost notes (they're the snare rebounds that are almost too quiet to hear)? Lemme 'splain to ya:
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