Good games to play with one hand?

C&C: The First Decade

Go through the missions. They are all very easy with one hand.

PinkFloyd said:
Total Annihilation, Command and Conquer etc
there are some controls on the keyboard, but nothing vital

As long as it isn't StarCraft.
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After injuring my arm snowboarding, this thread came in handy :)

But WoW with one hand? Takes too long to cast spells/use abilities if you cant hotkey....
Matmulder said:
But WoW with one hand? Takes too long to cast spells/use abilities if you cant hotkey....

No it doesn't. I only use the keyboard for talking to people. Practice and you can become quite quick.
I used to love waverace64 on the N64, the game/controller was perfect for one handed gaming, just dont ask what i was doing with the other hand!

anyone want to buy slightly stained N64 lol
SmokeKingGun said:
I used to love waverace64 on the N64, the game/controller was perfect for one handed gaming, just dont ask what i was doing with the other hand!

anyone want to buy slightly stained N64 lol

That will be worth tons on Ebay, custom colour N64 lol.
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