Good pubs or bars in Central London?

29 Jun 2004
Heya! Me and a few mates are going to link up in the City and have a little catch up.
Can you recommend any good pubs or bars in Central? Not looking at food, prob just cheap drinks and good atmosphere :)
Oh, and we don't do J.D Weatherspoon!

Thanks :)
Jodi, it's okay. I live in London, I know the prices can be a wallet raper. But I mean cheap in London's terms! :)

And Wanton, we're looking at around West End and Trafalger Square sort of area. Nothing East Central like Bank. Liverpool St will be fine though :)

Well I guess i'll take all suggestions from within zone 1 and i'll narrow it down later :)
Dymetrie like I said earlier, we're not planning anything. We're just going to meet up at a bar/pub in the afternoon and see where the day takes us from there :) But yeh, west end sort of area, but mainly in Zone 1 :)

Edit: Likely we'll eat after that at some restaurant!
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