Good software for signing documents online

2 May 2011
I'm trying to scope out an online service for signing documents and I'm assuming someone here will just be able to tell me that a service is great. I'm getting bass lessons at the moment trading computer skills for the lessons, and the chap has asked me for help setting up a signing service for his pupils to have conditions for missing lessons etc. He's American, hence the need to be so litigious.

Has anyone got any suggestions on online signing services that fulfil three criteria:
  1. Unlimited signers
  2. No sign-up required for signers
  3. Ideally cheap. A lot of the services require you to upgrade to something double the price to achieve number 1.
Thanks in advance :)

Thanks everyone, and sorry I didn't reply sooner. If I could make a website to do it I would, but I can't so there you go!

I think he's going to go the super basic route that some of you are suggesting and if not, Docusign.

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