Good Temperatures?

10 Jan 2011
Hey all,

So, just got RealTemp installed (thanks to moogle for the recommendation!) and looking over my temperatures.

My Q8300 Quad Core is reading as:
Core 0: 43C
Core 1: 33C
Core 2: 36C
Core 3: 36C

(on average)

And my 560Ti GPU is currently at a solid 48C.

All temperatures are on low load (Firefox with several tabs, couple of Windows Explorer folders). Is this a little high? Should I be thinking about more cooling? Usually when my processor is under load I whack the CPU cooler up to max (around 3300RPM), which sometimes isn't enough as I hear a beeping from the motherboard though it doesn't happen often.

I have three fans, one which came with my CoolerMaster Elite 335 case, another 120mm 2000RPM for the front sucking air in and the CPU Cooler. Current specs are as follows:

Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS3L Motherboard
Intel Q8300 2.5Ghz Quad Core
6GB DDR2 800Mhz
2x 1TB HDDs (7200RPM and 5400RPM respectively)
Asus 560Ti DirectCUII TOP Graphics Card


Okay, just had a quick go on LOTRO and tried out my new Graphics Card - put the graphics up to Ultra High and RealTemp went berserk and I hit 63C CPU Temp. almost instantly then dropped, with 60C for the GPU.

Is this dangerous? Bearing in mind I'll be playing that game for on average 2-3 hours a night.
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Q8300 has a maximum rated operating temp of 71.4, so your temps aren't too high to be safe. I never had a Core 2 Quad so don't know if that is a normal temp for them, just that it is safe.

GPUs can usually take a much higher temp than CPUs, I think temps as high as 90 are safe on most so your 60 is safe there as well.
Hmm...but what if the CPU temperature is hitting 71+ quite regularly and staying at that level? :\. I've noticed this with a couple of other games like Bad Company 2 which I tried out on "High" with only me playing on the map and it frequently hit that temperature and didn't budge until I closed it down.

The GPU seems to be doing just fine - I've read reports of the 560Ti being able to cope with 80+ :D
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Any ideas if my CPU temperature is safe or not? :) It hit 74C while rendering a large video from Adobe Premiere last night, getting slightly concerned....
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