Good things come in 3s

Hook grip is what you do when you hate yourself :p

Basically it's just a way to hold onto heavy weights without using straps or a mixed grip. So it's required for weightlifting.

I'm switching to it because it'll let me set up better for my sumo and stop any imbalances forming because of mixed grip :)

It's horrible when you start but it's getting easier each week.

As for volume work, not really. You can use the volume to increase your tolerance but for shrugs you're just better off with standard grip or straps if your grip is fried.
Training kicking my ass, not been logging much, have been lifting lots!

For anyone wanting to pursue this sport or any sport for that matter, this is my advice;
1) COMMIT to a goal, have a clear cut path of what you want and what you'll prioritise it above. If you want to be the best then you have to train on birthdays, Christmas, funerals, you'll train sore, you'll train tired, you'll train after work, before work, on your lunch'll train rain, hail or the doesn't matter... You'll train. You need to miss parties/movies/nights out with friends because you have to get your sleep, because your legs are screaming and your back is fried, and you NEED those 8/9/10 hours sleep. So define your goals and draw your line in the sand.

2) Find the people who want you to succeed and will understand what it takes. Training partners, friends, family and your other half will all have to be on board with your goals in some shape or form. The more time you spend with them, the more times they'll need to put up with your ********; sore, tired, early nights, right food, walking like John Wayne etc etc.

3) Learn your own body and how it responds to your training, you'll be ACHING all over, your body will be begging you to stop but you need to know when you can still push forward and take more punishment. Go too far and you'll get hurt, stop too soon and you'll fall short your dreams.

4) Control the food you eat and the sleep you get, this is every bit as important as the work you put in. THIS is the hard part. Eat well, sleep plenty and recover. It's annoying, it's boring but it is critical.

5) Believe in yourself and have someone at your back who'll believe in you when you don't.

So thank you Mum and Dad, thank you to my family, my friends, my training partners and most of all thank you Karis for always believing in me when I'm not sure I can go on.

For anyone with a dream that seems too big; you'll never know if you don't try and you've never tried until you've given it your everything.
So a bit of catchup to do, no time to type it all!

Basically my gym closed the area I use with the nice platforms and racks so I had to abandon it until the reopens :/
I moved to a weightlifting gym which has some PL stuff...since then training has crashed and burned!

I hit the tiny spotter arms on my first working set:
The crash hurt a little on the day but since then I've had huge amount of trouble getting my glutes to fire properly and in turn it's causing me a lot of troubles with the squats and some bother on my deadlifts as well.

To try cure this I've been HAMMERING it with different movements and activation drills and it is working....slightly.
I'm no longer in pain which is great but I'm having a hard time putting in the volume I need.

Anyways I'm just over 3 weeks out so I've been planning out my openers and attampts etc it's looking like:

  • Squat: 270/285/300 - I was supremely confident I'd hammer the 300 before this we'll just see on the I might revise this.
  • Bench: 160/170/175 - revised this down from 180 3rd attempt which was just a dream XD Hit a reasonable 165 recently and would like to have doubled it if I had spotters.
  • Deadlift: 300/320/3XX - These really depend on how the squats go....I've not missed a 300 this training cycle and I've doubled it a few times so it should be fine for an opener :)

The dream of an 800 total is probably just a dream now....but I'm still going to go give it my best :)
Been hammering the rehab as much as I can stomach....making some progress but it's slow going....but progress is progress.

This week is my overreach week where the volume doubles.... :D D:

Got 40 reps at 250kg squats this evening...should be fun...
Well turns out I can't read or math... :D

Anyways yea the glute is still bugging me. on singles a little and on reps A LOT!
The solution is simple; lots of sets :D

Hit 20 total reps of 250kg then a double of 260, 270 a single of 280.

25 reps all above 88% of my 1rm :D today I am fried!

The 280 wasn't that clean but I was really please to pull it out considering what had preceded it :)
Oh hello neglected log :D

I've been logging my training on paper and putting videos on IG. Not had a huge amount of time for the forums as of late!

Right now I'm 2 weeks out from the final meet of the year, hoping I can pull off a squat PB and possibly a bench PB... we shall see!

Every since May I've had this nagging glute issue which hurts my squats a bit but ruins my deadlift. I should have got it sorted at the time but I was unwilling to drop out of the Irish team and lose my place in Texas.

Next year (or at least the first half of it, I will have to compete at nationals in July to keep my space) I'll be doing no competitions and I'll just be focusing on getting my body back to 100% so I can take another run at international competition in 2018.
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