Good time to nab a bargain family tent?

To the OP, Outwell tents (good ones) will outperform almost every other type of tent in terms of comfort, ease of erection (teehee) and quality, but they are heavy and will come in multiple bags. Most other gear is an "as you need it" purchase and you'll find stuff lasts ages regardless of what you actually buy if you are sensible with the initial purchase.

All of the sites are much of a muchness, but:
and now,

are all good places to start, or continue your camp shopping experience :)

Thanks mate. Outwell were really the only 'quality' brand I knew of coming into this, but even with end of season sales the space I want is out of reach. The weight does put me off also.

Will check those sites though, cheers.
Yer my fault for not taking the tarp or extension. Still warm as at night though. Although I seem to recall last time you went camping you ended up in a hotel for the final few nights.

Outwell tents do erect very nicely, but you need a whole boot spare to pack a wet polycotton away.

Nothing erects as quickly or easily as the vango airbeams though, small pop ups excluded.

A hurricane gale from the Atlantic is a little more hotel worthy than a light shower in Dorset :p
How do you folks with these huuuuuuuuge tents dry them once home?

Our 2/3 man Vango fills our single garage. I've put hooks in the garage roof beams and the whole flysheet then hangs for as long as needed so it can be put away dry.
Yer, do not underestimate how big that Icarus 800 is to dry @ 25 feet long.

Its easy enough to pitch them in a local field / park for a couple of hours to dry out on a nice summer day, if you don't have a garden suitable.
Fortunately my old man has plenty of room at his place so easy enough to dry over there.

First trip out is going to be 12th of October, so no doubt drying out will be required :D
The Icarus 800 should be great, we actually ordered an Icarus 600 but ended up with the Samara 600 instead (sent the wrong one) which was a much larger tent, which we ended up selling and getting the Wodurn 500 which in turn is very very similar to the Icarus 500 :) that was confusing :)
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