Good use for a second rig?

22 Aug 2004
Hi all, going from no rig/old K6, to now having two new rigs! i have one A64 setup running as my main rig which i wanna give high storage capacity and generally use day to day for everything, i have it built into my lovely CM stacker (yum yum what a case).

Thing is i now have an LGA775 single core setup. Im thinking that it'd make a great media centre, networked through to my main 'big-rig' with a small SATA and windows MCE (i can get from suppliers as im an IT sole trader). My problem is that is it really worth me running it in this way when i could probs run a long S-Video from my main rig. Effectively im asking for an appraisal of MCE but also any problems i might have using it to stream xvid's and divX's from another location to put on the telly. Cant think what else i could use it for TBH i already have a 1.5ghz pentium rig working as a retro arcade so i might actually have too many comps now lol, and no im not doing SETI!

EDIT: oh and a plus for MCE would be that i have a 360 therefore can link the two although i dont see any major benefit except music streaming as both the MCE PC and 360 would be on the same telly
i leave the missus to do the folding aswell as the ironing tbh ;)

whats the first one mean? lol i get fileserver but i cant see how thats much use really, only on 2meg adsl so no commercial use, and internally the network is all wireless so file transfers are a no no

edit: smoothwall as i recall it is like a hardware firewall yes?
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got a question, thich would you lot reccommend for each function, even tho i doubt it matters much, the LGA775 for MCE or for day to day rig? or the AMD (3500 on a 754 socket with sli PCI-e capability).

Thing is my train of thought suggests that IF i wanted a gaming rig again in the future i might benefit from sli capability however from personal experience with my last big-rig where i had sli 7800GTX's with an FX-57, the CPU will be a bottleneck for sure which might make the sli option obsolete. The 775 socket would be upgradeable to a Pent-D in the future has DDR2 and more ram slots and a single PCI-e 16x

Im struggling to weigh up the best move :(
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