Google Quickdraw recognised my lobster...

31 May 2005
Database building for Googles image recognition program disguised as a drawing game simple enough to attract children :mad:

With a big and sophisticated enough database of reference images and fast enough searching it could mimic the flexible shape recognition that brains can do.

This is how we end up with a better data entry bot on the internet and more obnoxious anti bot mechanisms for humans to clamber over.
Haha well I drew a very interesting 'brain' that got recognised.

Are mischievous people polluting the learning pool? :D
Every time I go on quickdraw, I draw just penises or proper pics with penises added in the hope that enough like-minded others do the same to the extent that it learns that telephones, police cars, and mountains etc look like nobs.
I simply cannot understand the fascination with trying to reduce human intelligence as much as possible and dumb down the nation and at the same time increase computer "intelligence".

It's like wishing dogs were more intelligent than humans, and creating university courses for desperate students to do everything they can to make dogs more intelligent than humans. It's just a stupid idea.
I simply cannot understand the fascination with trying to reduce human intelligence as much as possible and dumb down the nation and at the same time increase computer "intelligence".

It's like wishing dogs were more intelligent than humans, and creating university courses for desperate students to do everything they can to make dogs more intelligent than humans. It's just a stupid idea.

I think that we're already at the stage where dogs are more intelligent than some humans...
I simply cannot understand the fascination with trying to reduce human intelligence as much as possible and dumb down the nation and at the same time increase computer "intelligence".

It's like wishing dogs were more intelligent than humans, and creating university courses for desperate students to do everything they can to make dogs more intelligent than humans. It's just a stupid idea.

It's mostly for automation of really dumb tasks on the level of "see X", "do Y). The more things a program can recognise with good accuracy the more things you can program it to give a known response to.

Words are simple and its no big deal to make a program script that reads words, corrects words and can be made to literally copy paste out pre-determined replies when it sees a known statement. But it's a massive gulf between that and holding a conversation which requires comprehension and creation of replies which are complex in many ways and may often refer to knowledge, experiences and senses.

Same for images, there may be a great deal of information given in an image but that's again the other side of the gulf when just trying to make a pig pile of reference images for a program to look through to recognise shapes is the current stage.

It's not intelligence, it's just a machine running on a script by a programmer. But some people likes to use words like learning and intelligence as if the script gets a say in what it's doing.
I simply cannot understand the fascination with trying to reduce human intelligence as much as possible and dumb down the nation and at the same time increase computer "intelligence".

It's like wishing dogs were more intelligent than humans, and creating university courses for desperate students to do everything they can to make dogs more intelligent than humans. It's just a stupid idea.

I despair for the direction us humans are headed. The amount of stupid things I've seen people do or not be able to do is amazing. From basic life skills like changing a car tyre, to being able to navigate with a map. We're honestly getting to the point where some people will become completely lost and useless without their phones / tech.
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