Google Quickdraw recognised my lobster...

It's not intelligence, it's just a machine running on a script by a programmer. But some people likes to use words like learning and intelligence as if the script gets a say in what it's doing.
You are absolutely 100% correct. I said the same thing about a year ago, but I was met with countless arguments from dozens of people that it is not just programming but ACTUAL intelligence lmao. People just have no clue.
I despair for the direction us humans are headed. The amount of stupid things I've seen people do or not be able to do is amazing. From basic life skills like changing a car tyre, to being able to navigate with a map. We're honestly getting to the point where some people will become completely lost and useless without their phones / tech.

Changing a car tyre requires fairly specific tools... Balancing machine etc
With a big and sophisticated enough database of reference images and fast enough searching it could mimic the flexible shape recognition that brains can do.

It's not that impressive.
My drawing is crap but I still think most people would guess my "triangle":

You are absolutely 100% correct. I said the same thing about a year ago, but I was met with countless arguments from dozens of people that it is not just programming but ACTUAL intelligence lmao. People just have no clue.
No one can even agree on how to define intelligence, so it’s hard to say exactly what it will take to fake it. It will be faked, though. With more computing power, AI will become more and more convincing and will solve problems with increasing “intelligence”.
This is one thing the data is being used for:

It's not that impressive.
My drawing is crap but I still think most people would guess my "triangle":


Yep, its because the computer algorithm takes the actual strokes into account as you're drawing, not just the end result.

The computer is not trying to learn what a triangle looks like, it knows that better than any human can comprehend! What it's learning is HOW people draw triangles. Most people may start off by drawing this shape using one stroke ^ and then follow with the bottom side in another stroke.
To add to that, most people would draw a triangle with at least one edge parallel to the canvas. I'm guessing the slight rotation has put the computer off.
This is one thing the data is being used for:

Yep, its because the computer algorithm takes the actual strokes into account as you're drawing, not just the end result.

The computer is not trying to learn what a triangle looks like, it knows that better than any human can comprehend! What it's learning is HOW people draw triangles. Most people may start off by drawing this shape using one stroke ^ and then follow with the bottom side in another stroke.

That's not how all AI/ML works.

Also what's different from teaching a child what a chair is to teaching a computer? Us humans still need parents. I mean look at feral kids.
That's not how all AI/ML works.

I never said that's how all AI/ML works. AI works as the programmer programs it to, "AI" doesn't just create itself and its own programming on a blank hard drive. I was just talking about this particular drawing analysis program.
Also what's different from teaching a child what a chair is to teaching a computer? Us humans still need parents. I mean look at feral kids.

Where do I even begin :p

A computer can be programmed with visual representation of a chair, as well as the definition of chair. That's it. It's never going to want a seat unless we program the program to eventually want to sit down, even if we don't explicitly program it now, it will be the result of calculations performed on data which a HUMAN has input. There's no natural driving force telling it it needs to sit down on a raised chair/tree stump/stool/whatever because it wants to relax. It's not tired, it doesn't want to rest his legs, etc. etc.

A human will inherently invent tools it needs to be comfortable. The difference is humans have a natural driving force, and that's why it's called "artificial" but some people just seem to completely forget the fact that the subject is prefixed with the word "artificial" And start comparing it to natural human intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is purely computer programming designed to mimic the classic definition of intelligence. It is not to be confused with intelligence itself.

And that is a seriously massive difference. A computer program will NEVER just invent a chair out of nowhere, let alone need a chair.
Also, you cant "teach" a computer lol.

"us humans still need parents", what is that supposed to refute?

"look at feral kids", Again what is that supposed to refute? If a "feral kid" stumbles upon a chair one day doesn't matter if he doesn't know what a chair is because it's still a tangible object. I don't see the connection between a human never coming across a chair, and a computer being programmed (by humans, not self) with outlines of how humans draw chairs. It's completely non sequitur.
And that's why AI will destroy us it's not weak enough to ever need to learn how to sit down. It'll just keep going :eek:.
It will still need energy.

So we (;)) better ****ing program it with instructions on how to build solar panels for itself, and we better not make its primary energy source a diesel generator otherwise it's going to go round invading other countries looking for oil.
It will still need energy.

So we (;)) better ****ing program it with instructions on how to build solar panels for itself, and we better not make its primary energy source a diesel generator otherwise it's going to go round invading other countries looking for oil.

As I understand it humans are the best battery source. I have watched a documentary on it.
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