Looks like the new UI is copying a substratum theme: https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/82vp48/android_p_straight_up_copied_flux_white/
Quite a lot of changes in P, volume rocker now changing media volume by default is a huge plus, I hardly ever change the ringer volume.
The UI is most likely not going to be the final UI since they clearly state in the blog post and subsequent videos that it is a developer build, and that there will be more unveiled at Google IO.
Looks like 8.0 is as good as it gets for Android UI. 8.1 has too many awful design decisions already, with it's weird tinted and semi-opaque overlays, and 'P' just looks like every manufacturer skin got together to make an ugly UI baby.
"Make everything a circle and make it WHITE".
Just goes to show how important a theme engine is as, and no offence, but that looks awful
Maybe it looks ok in real life
Certainly seems that way
Such a shame we don't have a third player in the market anymore. It is either be blinded by white Google or be blinded by white Apple.
Bring back Duarte!
A third player with this degree of loyalty (US stats): 91% Android, 86% iOS? I think that door has closed.
That is the beauty of the built in theme engine, so much choice, various dark themes as well as stock Google themes etc. I like this the best, always have loved blue on black and yes in person on an oled screen, it looks much better.
And with substratum, you get even better themes but it requires more faff.
Wouldn't even call it loyalty, They are the only two OS's to choose from if you care about apps. Plus again don't care about US stats.
It's never closed anyway, Old Nokia & old Blackberry will tell you differently.
I'd say that I consider myself loyal to Android now after what happened to iOS when version 11 was released. Why would I want to use an OS that caters for millenials and women?
But it has to be a specific version of Android and that's stock. I really feel for the mugs in the S9 thread who won't see Android P until next year, they're not even getting 8.1 at launch.
To me if you're not running stock Android then you're not running Android at all but rather something I'll term ****droid. Year after year I groan at people getting sucked in by the same old gimmicks and bloatware only to see them complaining about lag and lack of updates a few months later.