GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

1x bowl of muesli
1x vitality

1x banana
1x bottled water

17.2g pro / 73.9g carb / 22.8g fat / 671 kc


1x protein shake
1x tuna sandwich + 4 boiled + greens
1x banana

50g pro / 20g fat / 404 kc

5pm pre-work out

1x banana
1x bottled water

1g pro / 100 kc

5.30pm - 6.30pm - GYM (Gordy's 3-day split)


1x protein shake


2x chicken slice breast
1x plate pasta

OR 2x chappati with veg mix/ lentils

1x water
1x salad (cucumber/tomatoes/apple)
1x home made yogurt

91g pro / 72.6g carb / 4.8g fat / 250 kc

157.5g pro / 146.5g carb / 47.6g fat / 1425kc (?? calculated wrong i think)

Haven't calculated the tuna, indian food, or home made yogurt as its all variable but I believe the totals for p/c/f are more or less accurate apart from the kc's as I don't know the kc's for the protein shake - 1500ish judging by previous posts! which makes a total of 2925kc
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5ingh. aim for 2200 calories to start with and weight yourself on weekly basis first thing Monday morning before breakfast. If you don't see an increase in weight (1-2lb) raise your calories by 300.

Your calorie count seems way off! Take this for example:
1x protein shake
1x tuna sandwich + 4 boiled + greens
1x banana

50g pro / 20g fat / 404 kc
That can't be right? Wholemeal bread? Can of Tuna? That alone is about 450cals, banana 120ish, shake 120ish with water iirc.

You're under estimating big time!

Some ideas on how to still enjoy tasty apna food. Change the roti to wholemeal flour instead of white. For your chicken breasts go to local corner shop (:p) pick up some tikka powder mix and prepare your own marination.

Add some with 1tbsp yoghurt, some lemon juice to one chicken breast. Wrap it in foil set oven to 200c for approx 20mins sorted :cool:
Thanks for the reply DS :)

Ok I will aim for 2200 as my old diet looks half that :/. I thought I ate 'ok' but how wrong was I...

I knew the figures were dodgy somewhere, math is not my strongh point!

I'll re-calculate the figures again later but apart from that does the diet look ok?

We use wholemeal flour so thats a bonus already :). To be honest I was gonna get my mum to do the chicken cooking but if its really that easy then I will have a bash at it myself :D

Cheers bud :)
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Recalculated it all and 'tweaked' it a little:


1x Muesli
1x Vitality
1x Milk (blue lid)

17.2p 73.9c 22.8f 571kc

1x Vitality
1x Banana

3.5p 37.7c 1.4f 187kc
1x PS
2x Tuna Sandwich
4x Boiled eggs
1x Banana

73.4p 28.8c 0f 1090kc

5.00pm (pre-WO)
1x Banana
1x Water

1x PS

25p 1.8c 0f 120kc

1x Chicken slice breast 25 3.4 120
1x Pasta 11.4 72.6 1.4
1x Water
1x Salad
1x Homemade Yogurt

38.4p 72.6c 4.8f 120kc

1x Strawberry Milkshake
1x Random fruit

Totals 158.5pro 241.8carbs 29fat 2208kc
Most of the advice I see seems to be geared towards guys wanting to get as big as possible.
I am planning to start weights, but I'd like to get to around the size of a football player, tennis player etc. Rather than the enormous body builder kind of size.

Is there anything different that would be done to reach this kind of level? Or would the same routines in the first post still be applicable?

Secondly, what happens when you reach your goals? How do you maintain the position you are at? Lift the same weight less often?

good questions barf0r :]

simplist answer is calories. to get bigger you eat more than you need, to get smaller you eat less, to stay the same you eat as much as you use.

you can use the same routine as the OP, just when you near your target you level off your kcals.

to answer your 2nd question: read my other answer but also add to it: don't stop progressing your weights, your body will get used to it so you will need to keep raising the bar to stay at your target :]
good questions barf0r :]

simplist answer is calories. to get bigger you eat more than you need, to get smaller you eat less, to stay the same you eat as much as you use.

you can use the same routine as the OP, just when you near your target you level off your kcals.

to answer your 2nd question: read my other answer but also add to it: don't stop progressing your weights, your body will get used to it so you will need to keep raising the bar to stay at your target :]
Cheers, that is interesting.
If you keep increasing the weights but take in as many calories as you eat do the muscles get stronger without getting bigger?
Have I understood what you said correctly or do strength and size always go hand in hand?
another good question fella :]

you have got me right, strength and size do not go hand in hand.

I know people who are stronger than me yet are nowhere near the size, that can be seen in the powerlifting totals thread here (and in many other forums as well).
It's possible certainly to exercise using bodyweight only but you probably won't see results as impressive as if you had access to additional weights as well. Have a search for calisthenics to find examples of exercises you can do with minimal or no equipment. For instance I've done dips between a couple of sturdy chairs before, it's more difficult in that you don't only concentrate on the up and down segment but also in keeping the holds steady but it is do-able.
Hey guys

Rather than make a thread on it just wondering if you guys had any input on my current diet? Aim is to loose fat and retain muscle (yah I know you can't gain and loose fat! - hehe before anyone says ;)) just wondering what you guys think (example of yesterday)

Fat: 66g
Carb: 135g
Protein: 161g
Total Calories = 1771

Aiming for a high protein, low-ish carb diet as I'm currently trying to burn off the fat. I'm currently doing training wise;

6 days a week of 45 minute low/medium intensity bike riding
and 3 days at gym (M/W/F) where I am doing a 5x5 routine as I've read doing a strength building regime whilst on a low calorie diet will help retain the muscle.

Stats; 5'4''
Weight: 158lbs
BF: Not sure - got some calipers ordered.

If anyone has any comments on my diet that would be appricaited. I'm also eating 5/6 times a day at ~3 hour intervals.
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