GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

Just been given a programme to do, and it basically consists of various free weight workouts, with 5 sets of 3-5 reps of each excercise.

Here's the workout for Mondays - (Upper Body Strength)

Flat Bench Press 5 sets of 3 – 5 reps

CG Chinups 5 x 3-5

BB Seated Shoulder Press 5 x 3-5

Bent Over Rows 5 x 3-5

Hows that look?

Not to sure about using the free weight section in my gym...always busy with the 'big' guys :o


Would it be a good idea to replace skull crushers with kickbacks or something along the lines of. I'm finding it hard to keep my form right and with a lower weight I don't feel enough reistance.
suicidle_tramp said:

Would it be a good idea to replace skull crushers with kickbacks or something along the lines of. I'm finding it hard to keep my form right and with a lower weight I don't feel enough reistance.
not really, kickbacks are pointless IMO

If you dont already, then DIPS are a must-do, #1 exercise

otherwise try seated tricep extensions with dumb bell, or cable pull down
suicidle_tramp said:

Would it be a good idea to replace skull crushers with kickbacks or something along the lines of. I'm finding it hard to keep my form right and with a lower weight I don't feel enough reistance.

As A2Z said, dips are a must, otherwise i reccommend cable pulldowns. Or reverse cable extensions (think thats the name of them).
I was doing my triceps today and instead of doing skull crushers I did lying tricep extensions with a DB (more weight variation) and it felt a lot better in terms of weight and my form. I'll add in dips next time.

brocksta: In my last programme I was doing cable pulldowns and although I found it quite good i'd rather try using free weights more, thanks for the suggestion though :)
suicidle_tramp said:
Would it be possible for someone to take a look over my diet if I made a thread on it, i've been keeping tab on what i've been eating this week.
go for it
Hi, my first post here guys, and a newbie wants to seek advice. :)

At the moment, I'm planning on building my upper body. I'm aiming for broader & wider shoulders, and a wider & more developed chest, as well as decent arms. My only aim is to look good when wearing clothes, as at the moment, I'm very slim and I don't have that wide body physique.

The areas which I want to focus on are my traps, deltiods, biceps, inner/outer chest and back. I'm currently researching on what workouts to use for each of the listed muscle areas.

I read your original post GordyR, and you say that we should concentrate on the entire body, and not on one area as this limits growth. Therefore I should be looking to develop my lower body, but I've come across a stumbling block... as I've no time to go to the gym due to College, and I only have dumbells at home. Are there any exercises I can do with dumbells to work my leg muscles?
Mackass said:
Are there any exercises I can do with dumbells to work my leg muscles?

Try these and these :)

You will be quite limited to how much mass you will put on using just dumbells to work your legs, unless they are quite heavy dumbbells or the ones you can add weight to.
thinking of having a go a bil starrs been doing a 3 day split since september and fancy a change more than anything else. been plodding along with gains but nothing earth shattering. think My diets pretty good now (just plenty of carbs and protein) I would guess my body fat at aroun 10-12% a little on the stomach absolutely nothing anywhere else I have always been this way and I do eat a lot. any tips or things to watch out for? and how much should I be doing on the accessories.


Olympic Squats 5x5
Benching 5x5
Rows 5x5
Accessory (low volume triceps and abs)


Olympic Squats 5x5 (weight reduced 15-20% from Monday)
Standing Military Press 5x5
Deadlifts 5x5
Pull ups 5x5
Accessory (biceps and abs)


Olympic Squats 5x5
Benching 5x5 (flat or incline)
Rows 5x5
Accessory (low volume triceps and abs)
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Oakesy2001uk said:
any tips or things to watch out for? and how much should I be doing on the accessories.

On main exercises you shouldn't start with your 5rm, you should be hitting it in about week 3.

Also i prefer doing something slightly different on the Wed. I usually do front squats instead of back squats.

1 exercise 2-3 sets for each of the accessories. Exercise can be switched every week to keep things interesting.
Oakesy2001uk said:
cool thanks guys. I will start easy and work up to it. See if I see some good gains!just want to get a bit more lean mass, hopefully this will do the trick.

Remember your body won't grow if you don't give it the nutrients. Starr's routine will be tough if you don't bump up your calories.
Is there a problem with doing squats? While I don't have any problems doing them, I've been told that they (especially rear) are bad for the knees?
Raz said:
Is there a problem with doing squats? While I don't have any problems doing them, I've been told that they (especially rear) are bad for the knees?

sqauts are not bad for the knees unless your form is incorrect. Gordy mentioned this somewhere in the thread. Personally ive had no problems at all since ive been doing squats, theyve worked wonders for me! :)
Raz said:
Is there a problem with doing squats? While I don't have any problems doing them, I've been told that they (especially rear) are bad for the knees?

Jogging on pavements is 'bad' for your knees but they haven't cancelled the marathon have they?
If you squat properly with weights you can handle you won't have a problem. People get injuries because of imbalances in strength or poor form. If squats were as bad as some gym rats make out then every power/olympic lifter would be in a wheel chair by now. Saying it's bad for the knees is a good excuse to stick to the leg extension which is actually worse for the knees.
Naturally you are creating wear and tear on your knees but you're also strengthening the muscle around them, sudden impacts are what's most likely to hurt knees.
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