Got £200 to spend on speakers

1 Nov 2003
Hey there,

I've been looking at the Logitech Z5500, i was about to buy a set but im just looking to see if theres anything else i should take a look at in the same range.

They will be used for gaming, music, movies, TV and pretty much everything, can i plug my computer, dvd player, ps2, and freeview/tv in them or?

Would you recommend the z5500 or any other sets?

Thanks, Carl

Edit: I have a hercules digifire 7.1 soundcard.
Been looking at loud speakers/amp.

Any care to give me a general overview of what my options are?

Thanks mate.

My top priority is probaly loud clear sounding music with good bass, the next priority is gaming. Other than that it will be used for my TV which includes, PS2, DVD player and Freeview.

Ive got more than £200 to spend but i was going to buy the Z5500 system but soon relised this may not be my best option. My room is 4m x 6m.

Im currently running a 2 channel system consisting of a standard 2 channel amp and 2 Aiwa SX Z-9500 which are big floor standing 3 speakers. There very loud.

The Sonic Super T Amp is quite groovy. I just dont know. Another 2 channel system probaly wouldnt give me a buzz?

What you think?
Thanks for the input :)

I feel the z5500 would sit a lot better in my hands. It’s a complete unit and does everything I want, and from what ive heard, they sound like good value for money.

My dad built his own hifi up of high end mission speakers and a Sony separates hifi. Sounds incredible and looks the business.

I was thinking about getting a fairly decent multi channel amp and some bookshelf speakers on stands for now, then eventually building up, making them rears and getting floor standing fronts, with a centre and sub etc, but its too costly, I wish I had more money to play with and I would love to go the hifi route as the set ups can look very attractive and professional and are much better compared to any computer speakers.

This decision has opened my eyes and I will defiantly take the hifi route later on but for the moment ill get the Logitech’s.
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Alexrose1uk said:
If you are willing to look around, try getting a Cambridge A5 second hand off ebay, and pair it with some nice speakers. You'd quite like Mordaunt-Short 902i I think. Theres also some Mission 700s going in the MM right now, which judging by the Mission stuff I have around must sound rather nice. If you get the amp and speakers second hand, you can get a lot for your money, and it does sound good :)
My mate went to the above setup from a Logitech 5.1 z5500 sound system, and now hes got the hi-fi setup he says hed never go back.

Just for feedback, my sound system is lovely and clear, nice wide soundstage for the speaker positioning, goes very loud, and If you dont mind controlled, tight, not overtly boomy bass (which of course you could EQ with your PC or the amp) they sound abso-bloody-lutely fantastic. The speakers cost the original seller £400 10 years ago, and they still sound great today. My cambridge audio A5 is new, not second hand, but they still sound great, and are rated as one of the best amps available in the more budget end of the market. My speakers are bi-wired to the amp.

Thanks, just saw that you added your feedback.

Just looked at the Cambridge A5, looks very nice :) And well priced.

The speakers that catch my eye are the B+W DM602 S3 but are rather pricey.

Although looking at the Mordaunt Short 902, they can be picked up for around £120. Look nice too..


Ill keep looking, im slowly picking it all up. I may extend my budget and go for the 602s!

Well see
Cheers mate, nice setup.

I noticed it had 5 inputs on the Richer sounds website. This would be great as I need around 3 or 4!

Is 2 channels really sufficient for all my needs?

How loud are the Mordaunt Short 902?
When do they bottom out?
Is the bass effective?

Alexrose1uk said:

Check this link. Its an auction finishing in an hour for some Mordaunt 902 (not the 902i) but all my reseach when I was looking for my mate suggests they're just as good as the 902i, which is basically a refresh. You might be able to get the speakers for £80 inc delivery!

Im going to keep an very close eye them! Anymore information on the 902/902i? By the sounds of it like you said, just sounds like a refresh like you said. Just messaged him for the reserve.

darreny said:
who says its meant to be 2 speakers, seems a preconcieved notion to me as thats how it was for so long, only prob is that the way 5.1 speakers are set up is'nt ideal for music, if you spaced out the 5 speakers in a line you could have one for each member of most bands creating the soundstage that way.

shame you live so far away carl as mines within your budget

Just taken a look, how come your selling up?
Alexrose1uk said:
I dont game in 5.1 anymore, its just not too amazing most of the time. I gave my old Creative Itrigue 5.1 set to my brother, and they were one of the better 5.1 sets available! Music is MEANT to be 2 speakers anyway, so you're taking it right back to its natural environment :) If you use a decent set of headphones, well done stereo headphone sound programming can create a fairly decent impression of positioning anyway.

Mordaunt Shorts are quite punchy for the size actually, my mates very happy with them, I pushed him towards the upgrade, and since then hes been so happy he did. The bass was very nice on the mordaunt, unless you're a bass freak, you'd likely be happy with them without a sub, and thats with the EQs off! My missions have slightly quieter bass, but its very tight, and they have an amazing airy soundstage I love, and they produce a nice bit of bass anyway, with the A5's EQ on its more than enough, and the mordaunts are a bit similar, although more pushy bass, whereas the missions is almost slightly more refined. I like them both :)
My mate listens to a lot of music, including dance etc, which has a lot of bass and low frequencies, and hes more than happy with them.

-The Mordaunts are loud, and the bass IS effective and goes pretty low. They're great speakers for the price.

Very good information, thank you! You've been soo helpful.

Thank you
Alexrose1uk said:

Check this link. Its an auction finishing in an hour for some Mordaunt 902 (not the 902i) but all my reseach when I was looking for my mate suggests they're just as good as the 902i, which is basically a refresh. You might be able to get the speakers for £80 inc delivery!


10 minutes left... How come there not selling? How much shall I bid? How much are they worth?

squiffy said:
That's way too much! I would pay £70-£80 excluding postage. I've never heard them going so you're taking a chance as well.

I mean't £110 including postage. Ill bid £90. See what happens.
squiffy said:
ok. Do you have a amp? I'll be £89. he he he :D you'll still win in but have to pay extra even though you'll have won it anyway, at the lower price. Evil :D

Could you explain that please? Ive got a standard 2 channel amp ill run them on in the mean time. :)
Alexrose1uk said:

Read the reviews about the speakers you just bought and be even happier :)

'General Comments
These Mordaunt Short 902s are the first speakers I have ever purchased and they are simply excellent. They have an wonderful bass and the treble is sharp. I've been listening to SACD on them and the music really fills the room. They really are lively and accurate.'

As long as you can cope with having controlled, tight bass not the phat bass puke of a pc sound system sub, you should like those. They;re meant to emphasise the treble and vocals a little, so partnered with a nice warm mid-low liking amp (the cambridge's are a bit like that) and you should be happy :D

Those reviews are very positive :)

Damn proud of my purchase and the inspirater here (You)

Yeah defiantly going for the A5, fits all the criteria, and Richer Sounds put a similar amp together in one of their hifi separates combo sales. (With the 90")
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Alexrose1uk said:
@ Carl:

Finishing tomorrow :) If you get that for around £100, you can then spend the last £20 on a connector (headphone jack to l/r phono) and some speaker cables (NOT Bellwire :P)

Yeah man

Get some decent cable and a connecter.

Ive had a lot of experiance with high end DJ gear, nexo, etc. I know what good quality empraises in music, i wanted it deep down at heart.

I will keep an eye on that amp for the time being. Hopefully it wont go for more than £100 im happy to pay that. I have a Richer Sounds store local to me, so i could purchase one in store.

I think some nice stands will be on the order soon.
squiffy said:
What kind of amp? Poweramp or stereo integrated amp?

Well I did have one, my dad had to temporally supply a hotel with it. It was very similar to the Cambridge audio one. So power amp I believe. My dads a DJ, and has plenty of amps knocking around, or I can plug the speakers into his Sony stack downstairs. :)
Alexrose1uk said:
All personal preferance though, some people like that slightly emphasised boomy bass sound. Best to move them til they sound just right.


Theres a couple of other A5 amps on the bay right now too :)

If you want wall brackets, my Gale ones cost me roughly £20 from Richer Sounds and if you have one local, all good. They sell speaker cable and interconnects in thier too, although my local one only stocks the Cambridge Audio phono to headphone jack interconnect (well, they did at the time, dont know about now), which cost about £15 which is probably a bit expensive, if you look around you can probably find a fairly nice one for slightly less.

Yes I see, some more have been added. :) Im going to go for some floor standing stands, seem nice ones, plus I can fill them up with sand, hehehe. There some nice ones on the net, very reasonable prices. Ill take a trip down to my local Richer Sounds, and see what they have got to offer cable wise.

Can't wait to get everything set up properly and take some piccys...
squiffy said:
Don't buy cheap speaker stands, there's quite a bit of difference. Brother has Atacama Nexus and they're rubbish- really wobbly, I have Target R3 and the stands alone weigh 80kg for the pair. You can't budge them!

Thanks mate, well when the time comes ill have a look around then get the go-ahead first on here. What setup do you have? How does it perform?
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