Got an idea for a dissertation

6 Feb 2003
Need something to do a disseration on....was thinking about doing something to do with music piracy and downloading or an ebusiness topic. Anyone got any interesting things to do it on.

Not looking for someone to give me an answer just any interesting things to study idea would be helpful.
Music piracy is quite a nice topic. You can do the social side of trying to make protection seamless or the technicalities of DRM and it's various connotations. And of course there is always the Sony rootkit scandel which you can anlayse.

aumz said:
Not looking for someone to give me an answer

lol. Here I'll write your dissertation for you and post it on a forum.

Nah I just posted in the Napster thread about some little things that might be relevant
aumz said:
Need something to do a disseration on....was thinking about doing something to do with music piracy and downloading or an ebusiness topic. Anyone got any interesting things to do it on.

Not looking for someone to give me an answer just any interesting things to study idea would be helpful.

Why dont you do one on the differeing business models between traditional pay tv - SKY, VirginMedia etc, and the newer model of free content paid for by adevrtising - such as YouTube.
What is your subject area? Surely that is important or do you have complete free reign to pick any area at all? Also how many words, roughly? It might, in part determine the width of area you need to cover.
well its for my MBA, 12k words roughly. And it is kind of free reign. When we decide what we want to do we will get allocated a tutor from the subject area. Of Course it cand bee too tech more towards the business side, ethical, legal type.

I was thinking about doing music piracy....can it be controlled or even eradicated type thing. Looking at the ethics of it all.
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