Got into a fight....

27 Oct 2006
Was going home on the bus with me mate when this guy decides poke fun at me and my mate basically trying to say that we were gay :rolleyes:

I told him to shut up for the benefit of his health. Well to be fair I don't look tough but I have been in scrapes before and know how to look after myself.

No he wouldn't shut up so I gave him back what he gave me and told him he's gay.

Idiot gets up and lays into me pinning me down with some good shots around my face... yes I got brushed pretty baddly. Under the circumstances you don't want to be pinned down like that so I wrestle with him fire off some baby shots which looked like they hurt him until finally I kicked him off me.

Regaining my ground I told him to come, like an idiot he came and I gave him a smacking solid jab that took him out, since he smacked me in the face earlier I decided to throw a few combinations into the mix and at that point he was a goner, stumbling around.

My friend told me not to hurt him so I stopped and watched him stagger round til his g'friend took him off the bus.

WHAT crap is this ? He starts a fight even though he's with a girl ? What idiocracy is that ?

I didn't ask for this but to be fair a bit of me wants to know if he is ok as 'apparently' I did hurt him but I know my limits and one thing for sure is that it could have been a lot worse.

Since I didn't start it I feel like going to the police as idiots like that are a danger to themselves and people around them. I was punched around for no reason but yes I did finish the conversation which is why I am in two halves as to what to do.
Probably just trying to look hard in front of his girlfriend... I hate low lives like that! They deserve to be put down.

But fair one, I'd do the same if someone started mouthing off.
Nice one. Screw him. People like that deserve everything they get. They are all thats wrong with this world. Good on you, must feel like a right idiot getting battered about infront of his g/f.
Good one, he starts a fight because someone retaliated by saying back to him what he's already said, then get's humiliated in front of his girlfriend. Sounds like you did good :)
This guy heard if evolution?

He got what he had coming to him, cant say I would be so brave then again if they had already pinned me down what choice would you have.

Good on you.

What was the exact reaction of the girlfriend?
lay-z-boy said:
Should have been more alpha.

No dude I could have really hurt him.

As it stood he received a cracking jab to his face which might have broken his nose, he was bleeding badly but I had to do that in self defense as he was coming for me.

But guys the point I'm trying to make is that I am not happy with what happened, yes he may have learnt his lesson but guys like that never do ? Hence the reason why I feel like telling my side of the story to the police just in case something nasty turns up round the corner :rolleyes:
Subliminal said:
Hence the reason why I feel like telling my side of the story to the police just in case something nasty turns up round the corner :rolleyes:

If you were on a bus do they not have CCTV, it would show him jumping on you, the ones on buses may also have sound recording too.
Yes you get some real randoms deciding to pick a fight for no reason.

Couple of weeks ago walking back from 6th form with my mates this kid a couple of years younger than me jumps on my back and starts punching me in the side of the face so I shake him off, smack him in the face once and runs away with his mate crying like a little baby! :confused:
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