Got the Baldur's Gate collection today for £9.99. See you all in about a year!

saguy said:
I was about half way through BG2 when I moved countries and lost my cd's. I installed it last night and will be spending a fair amount of time on it over the weekend. It is always interesting going back to a game that you loved after a long time. All I can comment on so far is the graphics and by today's standards they do look very blurry and the character animations look very wierd. Hey, I am not complaining as this game is over 5 years old.

I started playing The temple of Elemental Evil a couple of weeks ago which has better graphics (not design) and greatly improved character models and animations, but seems to lack the soul and depth of characters and story of BG2.

Does anyone know if wisdom of 4 would have any negative effects a multi fighter/mage. I am at work so I am trying to remember my stats.

str = 18
int = 18
dex = 14
con = 14
wis = 4
cha = 8

I do not know if I am putting all my eggs in one basket. (well 2 actually) I am sorting basing my build on a game guide which did not give the stats. The fighter/mage is supposed to be tough in the beginning but then becomes fairly powerful as you get into the game.

I think some spells require Wisdom.

I found fighter mages never worked, as they'd end up neglecting one side or the other. Thief/Mage ***.
After reading this I might reinstall them all and play them again. Loved them when I first played them a few years ago :)
SiD the Turtle said:
I think some spells require Wisdom.

I found fighter mages never worked, as they'd end up neglecting one side or the other. Thief/Mage ***.

The Sword saint (kensai?) was the most powerful character in BG2 if I remember rightly.

All this talk of Baldur's and no-ones mentioned one of the best characters ever to grace a pc game.

Minsc! Go for the eyes boo, go for the eyes!! :D :D
Silent-Lucidity said:
The Sword saint (kensai?) was the most powerful character in BG2 if I remember rightly.

All this talk of Baldur's and no-ones mentioned one of the best characters ever to grace a pc game.

Minsc! Go for the eyes boo, go for the eyes!! :D :D

The Sword Saint is the exception that proves the rule! :p

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, watch it, I'm huge!"
"People in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones."
"Magic is impressive, but now Minsc is in charge, swords for everyone!"

SiD the Turtle said:
I think some spells require Wisdom.

I found fighter mages never worked, as they'd end up neglecting one side or the other. Thief/Mage ***.
I always went for a straight mage in the BG games, and used the Quarterstaff to dish out the hurtin' on my foes.

NWN was different. I still don't see why they ditched the party control from BG; having "henchmen" was ridiculous. They were pretty much useless too, especially with the ability to weild exotic weapons as a mage.
The failure of NWN was that everyone was expecting Baldur's Gate III, not a D&D toolkit. To be fair though Bioware went to great lengths to stress that NWN wasn't Baldurs Gate III, but at the end of the day everyone wanted it to be.
SiD the Turtle said:
The failure of NWN was that everyone was expecting Baldur's Gate III, not a D&D toolkit. To be fair though Bioware went to great lengths to stress that NWN wasn't Baldurs Gate III, but at the end of the day everyone wanted it to be.

good point.
bakes0310 said:
never played them i dont think i could enjoy it now with the graohics looking so poor and besides ive goy titan quest to keep my rpg side of me occupied :) terms of RPG, you cant mention TQ and BG in the same sentence. In the RPG sense, BG > *.
SiD the Turtle said:
The failure of NWN was that everyone was expecting Baldur's Gate III, not a D&D toolkit. To be fair though Bioware went to great lengths to stress that NWN wasn't Baldurs Gate III, but at the end of the day everyone wanted it to be.
If NWN had just had multiple people available for party-based playing, it really would have made it so much better.
Having "henchmen" really ruined it for me.
What's BG1 like on a TFT@ 640x480?

Got the game years ago and loved it on my 15" CRT. I wana play it again but not sure what it would be like on a TFT!

SiD the Turtle said:
Xbox? No that's a different game completely riding on the Baldur's Gate name.

Baldur's Gate is quite simply the best RPG I have ever played, including Oblivion. Its really worth it for a tenner, though only if you are into beardy RPGs.

Obvlion was abysmal I thought.

funny this thread coming up, cos im in the middle of installign BG2 right now :)

ace game
Black Dog said:
What's BG1 like on a TFT@ 640x480?

Got the game years ago and loved it on my 15" CRT. I wana play it again but not sure what it would be like on a TFT!


It feels 'cramped' as in the UI takes up most of the screen. Still, its a much better game than most out there today! and my mate still have fond memories of that Miniature Giant Space Hamster (such things do exist in the realms or so I am told) ^_^ and his wielder.

Made me laugh so much that dude, classic.
Think Im gonna have to pickup these 2 collections as I never played IWD and I'd love to have BG collected on DVD rather than having to run them off CDs (which get lost/damaged easy)

BG was one of the best game I ever played. Ranked up there with Zelda:OOT, FF7 and Tie Fighter IMO.
Bah, just couldnt resist after reading this.
Grudgingly ordered both of the Compilations (BG+IWD) for £19.98 total from a certain online retailer beginning with P. Goddamn you!

Who am I kidding, I loved those games when I was younger, so tis great to have a copy of em that works, even just to have em.

Went through 2 copies of BG2 after friends lost cds, brother broke em etc, so a DVD version would be great.

Never played IWD either so will be great to play it after these what, 7/8 years finally :)

Perhaps these games will finally tempt me back away from WoW... really OUGHT to play FEAR and finish HL2:Ep1 sometime too! XD
Black Dog said:
What's BG1 like on a TFT@ 640x480?

Got the game years ago and loved it on my 15" CRT. I wana play it again but not sure what it would be like on a TFT!


Get BGTuTu, can play BG1 in 1024x768 - or indeed, any resolution. So much easier on the eyes!

Edit - get BGTuTu here
SiD the Turtle said:
Xbox? No that's a different game completely riding on the Baldur's Gate name.

Baldur's Gate is quite simply the best RPG I have ever played, including Oblivion. Its really worth it for a tenner, though only if you are into beardy RPGs.

is the playstation baldurs gate the same as the xbox or pc as i played baldurs gate 2 and thought it was an awsome game. If the others are similar it would be worth £10 of anyones money
Shadow Phoenix said:
is the playstation baldurs gate the same as the xbox or pc as i played baldurs gate 2 and thought it was an awsome game. If the others are similar it would be worth £10 of anyones money

The console version is called Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance. These are 3D actiony type game apparently, though I've never played them. Baldurs Gate, Tales of the Sword Coast (or Sword of the Coast as the rushed blurb on the case says :p) Baldurs Gate II: Shadows of Amn and Baldurs Gate II: Throne of Bhall are the ones that are truly the dogs doodahs.
Matmulder said:
Get BGTuTu, can play BG1 in 1024x768 - or indeed, any resolution. So much easier on the eyes!

Edit - get BGTuTu here

Couldn't get Easy Tutu to install. Gonna try the other version. Does BGTuTu affect saves? I.e. can I import my character to BGII with no issues?
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