Got windows? Better be legit...

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The_KiD said:
As for the windows updates working on pirate versions of windows XP I cant see it myself. The genuine advantage tool put an end to all that.

I can asure you that windows update still works but only for security fixes. It's in microsofts interest to try and reduce the number of vunerable computers as these generally add to the problem. It's also not hard to disable the genuine advantage tool anyway.
Bam911 said:
ps im a noob really

Absolutely no doubt about that, not only do you have a pirated copy of Windows but you actually admitted it on a forum that I'm sure has a zero tolerance policy on discussing warez.
Beansprout said:
What with all the security holes and IE problems this is really very silly. Even I ran WU last week :eek:

How long has XP been out? - I've never put an update on in all that time and I never use IE.
well ive uninstalled the software that shows the message on the desktop but it still comes up at the login screen??? help please
Beansprout said:
What with all the security holes and IE problems this is really very silly. Even I ran WU last week :eek:
Not really. If you're clued up on how to look after your machine from threats then you'll be fine without update. I ran Win2k for years with WU disabled, and now with XP have done the same. Never had any spyware or viruses ever and I don't even run a firewall now (router has one though).

I just don't want to waste my time seeing a flashing icon prompting me to update everyday and having random fixes require a pesky reboot.
Walked a fine line for too long here. I wont have people discussing how to get around any anti-piracy mechanisms, for any software.
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