Gothic 4 or Two worlds 2?

30 Aug 2006
I played the first 3 gothic games but didnt get around to completing any of them. I also played the first Two worlds but didnt complete that.
However i did complete Risen, i played it none stop because i found it very enjoyable.

Are either of these game like Risen? Gothic 3 and Two Worlds were just too long for me and i got bored somewhere along the journey, although i had plenty of fun with them, and ill still go back to Gothic 3 one day since i have it on my Steam account.
I also went the whole way with Oblivion but not with Morrowind. I tried Morrowind with the overhaul patch but couldnt stick with it because i already know whats going to happen from my first not quite complete playthrough and that kinda ruins it for me.

So i guess with first person RPG's i kind of like the 'dumbed down' (for want of a better fraze) console versions.
Are they shorter than Risen? Risen wasnt very long but very enjoyable, it would have been a poor addition to the Gothic series but was a good game in its own right.

Waiting for Skyrim was my other option.
I am a Gothic fan have have played 1,2&3 to death. 4 is OK (just finished it) apart from some repetitive combat (bit of a clickfest) but the story etc. are enjoyable and the graphics are excellent. Certainly does not deserve the bashing it gets from Gothic fans. Enjoyed TW2 more though.
Couldn't get into Two Worlds 2 and was trying to play it immediately after finishing Gothic 4 which was decent enough aside from the ridiculously repetitive combat.
Two Worlds 2 is actually pretty good, people that diss it are full of it

although it is of course nowhere near as good as Witcher2
It is definitely better than Gothic 4...that one was just bad.
Yeah, I also thought Two Worlds 2 was decent enough. Looks pretty good, it's got a decent sized open world (the final island gripes notwithstanding), and the spell-crafting system does bring something quite interesting and fun to the otherwise fairly run-of-the-mill RPG character building.

Well worth checking out if you're a CRPG fan, imo, and I'd rate it above Risen (and hence by default above Gothic 4 from what I've heard...)
risen was awesome, gothic 4 was a disapointment for me, just couldnt get into it. Two worlds II has its faults, mostly that the ending was poor and finished sooner than i expected. But i very much enjoyed the game and couldnt put it down, so if ur desperate for some action rpg until skyrim my vote goes for two worlds II =)
I've been advised by people on here gothic 4 is turd, two worlds had more favourable reviews. I got bored of dragon knight saga within 20min...

So as you can see opinions vary.

I would play The witcher 1/2 if you haven't already. You should play the fallout series if you haven't already too.
New vegas lacked exposition, it just plonked you in the middle of nowhere to wander around, f3 is a much better game imo which everyone should play.
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