22 Aug 2005
Hi all

Setting up and FTP server for clients and will be using GPG to encrypt the data that goes on using a public/private key pair.

Was going to ask if I should make a new set of keys for each client and give them their 'own' version of my public key.

But actually, since starting this message I've realised that perhaps the best way is to just have 1 set of keys - my public/private, and usingthe clients public key will create the same effect as having a uniquely keyed/signed file package.

sweet cheers.
Why not just setup SFTP with openssl? It's far far easier and generating keys is incredibly simple.
I'd generate a private key for each client and then let them encrypt the files going to you with their own public keys, SFTP would encrypt the entire data exchange, not just the files inside it, you could also optionally let clients authenticate with just their public key, reducing the risk of attackers guessing usernames / passwords
Yes. The possibility of using SFTP over ssh is there for the future, but it's not possible just now. Besides, the data has to be encrypted independent of FTP/SFTP as a step before data transmission.
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