We get a good service here. I needed a non-emegency appointment this morning. I requested it via their web site at around 08:30 and a doctor phoned me back 30 minutes ago. It must be region specific.
When the eConsult system works it seems to work well and I've had two good experiences using it similar to yourself I've had quick responses and there seem to be more Dr's available.
However, I've had issues with the eConsult, if I need to ask a question about an existing condition it doesn't just ask for the condition and a note to the Dr, it makes me go through all the same questions as if a new issue and due to the nature of it this just ends in saying I have to phone for an emergency appointment.. So I do that and the Dr keeps telling me if anything changes to just pop in a note via eConsult to which I point out it won't let me..
On top of that, I struggled to register with it since Reception had used a spelling variation of my name which meant 3 calls to reception over 3 days to sort out.
On the same subject I have had a seriously eye opening observation when I needed an 'urgent' ultrasound screening in early December, I was warned of delays and had to chase them up a month later (early Jan) and on phoning the Ultrasound directly (on advice of the Dr) they miraculously had an appointment open up the next day first thing..
On attending, the Ultrasound unit (normally busy) was empty, I was the only person there both before and after and immediately got seen, my results were typed up immediately after and sent to the GP.. On grabbing a Costa on the way out, as I left I noticed the radiographer in the queue..
Call me cynical, but it would seem someone has massively over reacted for no real reason and deliberately caused severe delays for absolutely no reason what-so-ever, the radiographer looked bored and clearly had an unprecedented amount of time on their hands..
Another observation is that they've obviously cut the chairs in the waiting area to about 1/5th of the number available to ensure 2M distance is observed, yet you look down the corridor and there are swathes of areas that additional seating could easily be put..
Every time I go near a hospital I see the same thing, a horrifically badly managed crap fest.. Don't get me started on A&E.. it is massively busy on the surface but grossly (and deliberate) inefficient underneath, staggering..
rant over..