GPS Tagging photos

1 Nov 2003
Lisbon, Portugal
Hey guys,

Anyone done this? Know much about it?

Looking for an easy light weight small solution that can take the cold (minus 20C anyone)

Something that'll work universally on the 5D2 and 3 :)

I simply take a picture in the same place with my mobile and that GPS tags the picture.
I can use that to sync the time too.

Not really needed much more than this TBH
Had considered this but embedding into the image is much cooler :)
I seem to remember seeing a video where you could set up a GPS logger on your phone (if your phone has GPS) and then use a program in post which would embed the GPS data to the images (using time to sync) but the downside of that would be the costs if you were abroad.
My DMC FT3 Lumix camera has GPS tagging but I turned it off because it didn't update automatically very well and drained the battery :/

I'm happy with just remembering where I took the pics :p
Thing is Phal, we are going to be going exploring - it'll be hard to pinpoint it afterwards.
Another quick google found this too - JOBO JDJSP007 GPS-Geo Tagging Hotshoe Device

No idea if its any good personally!
If you have an android phone install GPSlogger from the play store. It's free and exports to either a KML file or a GPX file (or both).

Adobe Lightroom 4 has a map module which you can import the GPX file into and autotag every file open in your filmstrip.

If you want this data written to the EXIF rather than just the Lightroom 4 catalogue then you can issue a command from Lightroom which publishes to metadata.

The lightroom map module then shows you where all your photos were taken on a Google Map. It's pretty sweet.
Although thinking about it...that would cost me a fortune in data fees :eek:

Back to a camera accessory I think!
Grab a GPS datalogger (I use a Holux M-1200E) and put it on your belt, make sure your camera time is set correctly and go out shooting.

When you get home, export the tracklog using the software, go in to Lightroom's map view (LR4) and load the tracklog then click auto-tag photos and they'll all snap on to the route and the exif data will all be embedded. It's straight forward and easy once you've done it the first time. I use it when out and about, mostly for travelling.

This was the easiest and best way I could find. Being a separate unit is nice as it's only its own battery it's draining and the unit is small enough not to be a pain plus the battery lasts a day at least (recharges over USB when plugged in the PC). There's probably better/smaller units around now though but the Holux was the best I could find when I was looking.
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I'd say the one I have out of that lot, the M-1200E. I can't remember why I went for it in the end but I'd say our needs are similar so I think it will be good for you. I bought mine years ago so i'd be surprised if there's not better units around now although the 1200E is cheap, accurate enough and does the job! :) Looks like they're around £30 now.

I just learnt there's a button on it to drop a POI marker, pretty handy if you want to remember exactly where something was along a route. I'll have to give it a try next time I'm out with it. :p
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Looks epic, for £30 you cannot complain!

I'll order one tomorrow and have a play about, thanks mate :)
No worries, it's a great little unit! :p

The onboard memory will keep months of tracks so no problems if you're going on epic adventures!

Operation temperature says it goes down to -10 degrees. I just read at the top you're going to -20!
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No worries, it's a great little unit! :p

The onboard memory will keep months of tracks so no problems if you're going on epic adventures!

Operation temperature says it goes down to -10 degrees. I just read at the top you're going to -20!

I'll keep it in my pocket :) - Got to buy proper clothing for this :eek: so it should be ok!
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