GPU folding and newer cheaper cards...

8800GS 384mb – 4549ppd avg (28 results)
8800GT 512mb – 4809ppd avg (59 results) £50inc MM
8800GT 265mb – 4777ppd avg (5 results) £47 inc free delivery OCUK

8800GTS 320mb - 3873 ppd avg (7 results) £40inc MM
8800GTS 640mb – 4347 ppd avg (16 results) £45inc MM
8800GTS 512mb – 5675 ppd avg (23 results) £60inc MM

all prices are aprox and based on just a boxed card (no bundled games etc)
PPD is at stock speeds - all these cards OC for more ppd
More info and the expensive cards here
... and I've changed my purchase accordingly to the 8800GT 256. Cheers shadowscotland :)
Right, my 256 8800GT has arrived and it's up and running.

So ... 1 GPU client and 1 or 2 winSMP DEINO clients? Machine's a Q6600, 3.25 RAM.
Dunno - I'm using 2 VMs with Ubuntu and 1 client each (may extend that to 2 clients in each but the PPD is pretty good as it is) - whatever you decide be sure to set the GPU to a higher priority than the CPU clients.
Thought I may as well stick this in here ...

I'm running my 8800GT with 2 winSMPs at the moment and getting about 2200 from the GPU and around 700 from the SMP clients, totally around 3600ppd. I haven't clocked the GPU yet but obviously that's pretty low anyway. I was wondering if you lot have the client fixed to a certain core in the config, as I've currently got it to assign between cores? The taskbar client has a method of setting the priority of the GPU client slightly higher than other dc threads, but this isn't in the config for the console GPU client. Is there are way to do this or am I just being dumb - it refused to let me change the priority of the GPU client in TaskMan?
Your 8800GT should be getting 4800ppd at stock speeds so something is wrong. Have you tried running the GPU client without the SMP clients running?
Yeah, it gets nowhere near that - I'm running it with the 2 SMPs as that gives the most points :confused:. I've just set it to use one core and have got it to download the new 1.15 core, so we'll see how that goes.

// EDIT // As an afterthought, I just realised that I'm not actually running the latest drivers for the card (175.19 is installed and 178.13 is the latest), so I'll get that down the pipes now.
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Just to conclude that - it was the drivers. Rookie mistake that :o

// EDIT // It's now cranking out about 5100 by itself. That's more like it!

// EDIT 2 // And about 5450 with a single SMP client. Will keep it like that for the moment, I think.
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Nice one Mr Other :)

There's got to be about 5-6 people who have got into GPU folding for the team in the last week or so. Lets see the effect on this weeks and next weeks folding news.
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